Monday, September 25, 2023

September 25, 2023

Monday September 25, 2023

Learning Targets:  I Can...

1. Recognizing problems and solutions in research.  

2. Understanding Scientific Method: Theory-hypothesis-research-confirm-reject or revise

3. Differentiate Correlation and Experimentation

4. Explain Research design and ethics

5. Use Statistical Reasoning

New Seating Chart

Seating Chart Activity: Introduce yourself and then pull up a picture on your phone from the month of June and share the memory with you table.

Circle: Which activities make you lose track of time?

At your table: What does it mean when I say your brain is a prediction machine?

Your prediction:  On a slip of paper write down how you think you did on the test and a number between 1-10 (1 being not at all and 10 feeling very confident) about how confident you are about your prediction?

Today: Hand back quizzes.  Stupid mistakes...?

Notecards...How to make them!

Review Homework at you table.  What do you now understand better? 

Table homework quiz.

Activity: 5-1 True or False

Activity: Lunch room/Study hall observations.  What do we want to look for?  How are we going to operationally define what and how we are measuring?

SQ3R Module 6: pages 50-57


Correlation vs. Causation: Firemen and fires, Ice cream and drowning, Shoes and headaches.

Ethics in psychological research.

Research Methods: Zimbardo Video

Activity:  1) Screen time and GPA- you will be setting up an experiment and naming all the parts to determine if the amount of screen time can affect your GPA.  You will need to develop thesis, operationally define the experiment,  replication, population,  random sampling, correlation, causation, correlation coefficent, and scatterplots.  2) Then you will design an experiment that will try to determine how much a new medication for concentrating  can impact GPA by creating an experiment and all its parts. Your experiment must address the following, random assignment, double blind procedure, placebo effect, experimental group, control group, independent variable, confounding variable and dependent variable.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

September 21, 2023

Thursday September 21, 2023

Circle: How good is your intuition?

At your table: What does it mean when I say your brain is a prediction machine?

Make a prediction:  On a slip of paper write down how you think you did on the test and a number between 1-10 (1 being not at all and 10 feeling very confident) about how confident you are about your prediction?

Monday: Hand back quizzes.  Stupid mistakes...?

Notecards...How to make them!

Review Homework at you table.  What do you now understand better.

Introduce Scientific Foundations of Psychology

Activity: True or False

Activity: 4-2 Explaining Research

Learning Targets:  I Can...

1. Recognizing problems and solutions in research.  Based on your MB tell me about the guy in the picture.

2. Understanding Scientific Method

3. Differentiate Correlation and Experimentation

4. Explain Research design and ethics

5. Use Statistical Reasoning

Video: Why it is important to understand scientific studies.

John Oliver and scientific studies

SQ3R Module 5 pages 42-49  


Correlation vs. Causation: Firemen and fires, Ice cream and drowning, Shoes and headaches.

Ethics in psychological research.

Research Methods: Zimbardo Video

Activity:  1) TV and GPA- you will be setting up an experiment and naming all the parts to determine if the amount of screen time can affect your GPA.  You will need to develop thesis, operationally define the experiment,  replication, population,  random sampling, correlation, causation, correlation coefficent, and scatterplots.  2) Then you will design an experiment that will try to determine how much a new medication for concentrating  can impact GPA by creating an experiment and all its parts. Your experiment must address the following, random assignment, double blind procedure, placebo effect, experimental group, control group, independent variable, confounding variable and dependent variable.

Exit Ticket:  Something you would like me to know.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

September 20, 2023

Wednesday September 20, 2023

Circle: A shoe memory?

Test: History of Psychology and its major perspectives.

Introduction: The Need for Psychological Science- 1)The opinions of 1500 randomly selected people can provide a fairy accurate picture of an entire nation.  2)The scientific finding that depressed people tend to have low self-esteem proves that depression cause people to feel down about themselves.

Activity: True or False

Homework: SQ3R pages 37-41

Monday, September 18, 2023

September 18, 2023

 Monday September 18, 2023

First Assessment is Wednesday!  Remember the deal.  80 is lowest score you can get if you SQ3R'd the homework.  Remember that this class is for college credit!

Circle: Now that it's fair season, what is your favorite thing to do or eat at the fair?

Go over word bank

First Assessment is September 20th.  How to study?  What to study?  Alternatives? What does the test look like?  Why?

Learning Target 1: I can explain how the history of Psychology evolved and is now considered a science.

History of Psychology...

Activity: Why is Psychology considered a science?  How reliable is common sense?  Can it be contradictory?  Most tidbits of accepted common sense have a polar opposite that that is just as accepted.  See if you can come up with the corresponding contradictory statement to the examples below.
"Birds of a feather flock together"
"out of sight, out of mind"
"the more the merrier"
Psychology's job is to test and in which contexts, each statement rings true.

1.Review The Hand
2.Myers Briggs
3. Transcripts/your transcript
4. Perspectives

Activity: Part 1 Re-introduce yourself to your group and share a little bit about what you learned about your self by finding and reading your MB profile online.  Provide examples...

Activity: Part 2 What do you see as your strengths in terms of being successful in AP?  What do you see as your weaknesses as it would relate to your success in AP? What could you do as a result of this knowledge to help you in this class?  Please use the information you gathered from your profile to support your answers.

Lets see how it works: S v N Tell me everything you can about the man in this picture.
How is learning going to be improved by having people with different profiles in your group?

Activity: Bio-psych-social perspective and Transcripts

Another Perspective: Evolutionary Psych

Study Groups...What are they good for?
Study Plan
Study Groups

Thursday, September 14, 2023

September 14, 2023

Thursday September 14, 2023

Circle: What are you currently watching or just finished?

Hand out word bank

First Assessment is September 20th.  How to study?  What to study?  Alternatives? What does the test look like?  Why?

Learning Target 1: I can explain how the history of Psychology evolved and is now considered a science.

History of Psychology...

Activity: Why is Psychology considered a science?  How reliable is common sense?  Can it be contradictory?  Most tidbits of accepted common sense have a polar opposite that that is just as accepted.  See if you can come up with the corresponding contradictory statement to the examples below.
"Birds of a feather flock together"
"out of sight, out of mind"
"the more the merrier"
Psychology's job is to test and in which contexts, each statement rings true.

Perspectives: Review The Hand

Activity: Part 1 Re-introduce yourself to your group and share a little bit about what you learned about your self by finding and reading your MB profile online.  Provide examples...

Activity: Part 2 What do you see as your strengths in terms of being successful in AP?  What do you see as your weaknesses as it would relate to your success in AP? What could you do as a result of this knowledge to help you in this class?  Please use the information you gathered from your profile to support your answers.

Lets see how it works: S v N Tell me everything you can about the man in this picture.
How is learning going to be improved by having people with different profiles in your group?

Activity: Bio-psych-social perspective and Transcripts

Another Perspective: Evolutionary Psych

Study Groups...What are they good for?

Monday, September 11, 2023

September 11, 2023

Monday September 11, 2023

Learning Target:  I can read an informational textbook efficiently and effectively.

Circle: What did you think about the SQ3R process?

Activity: At you table you are going to review your homework with each other.  1. Nominate a facilitator(or rock-paper-scissors).  Using the questions you wrote in your notes the facilitator will go around and ask what people wrote.  Hint: review your answer and be able to answer in your own words.  If you hear something you missed please take a moment and add it to your notes.  

Activity: Note walk

Power of Context

Activity: The power of context.  A newspaper...

Learning Target 1: I can explain how the history of Psychology evolved.

History of Psychology...

Activity: Why is Psychology considered a science?  How reliable is common sense?  Can it be contradictory?  Most tidbits of accepted common sense have a polar opposite that that is just as accepted.  See if you can come up with the corresponding contradictory statement to the examples below.
"Birds of a feather flock together"
"out of sight, out of mind"
"the more the merrier"
Psychology's job is to test and in which contexts, each statement rings true.

Perspectives: The Hand

Activity: Part 1 Re-introduce yourself to your group and share a little bit about what you learned about your self by reading your MB profile online.  Provide examples...

Activity: Part 2 What do you see as your strengths in terms of being successful in AP?  What do you see as your weaknesses as it would relate to your success in AP? What could you do as a result of this knowledge to help you in this class?  Please use the information you gathered from your profile to support your answers.

Lets see how it works: S v N Tell me everything you can about the man in this picture.
How is your learning going to be improved by having people with different profiles in your group?

Activity: Using  the behavior we talked about in circle and your limited understanding of psychology, try and determine why that  person engaged in that particular behavior.  Be ready to report out.

Another Perspective: Evolutionary Psych
Perspective Activity: At your table come up with a working definition of perspective. What do you see?

Study Groups?

Thursday, September 7, 2023

September 7, 2023

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Psychology Definition: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. 

Phones reminder

Circle:  What is a circle?  Why do we do it?
Circle Activity: Target Practice 
Circle Question: What was your make-believe name when you were little?

Period 3 Google Classroom Code: 6nopevt 

Period 4 Google Classroom Code: fvp4m6i

Learning Target:  I can explain why it's important to build community in the classroom.

Learning Target: 1. I can effectively read a textbook.  2. I can understand the major psychological perspectives and what they can tell us about ourselves and others.

Textbook: Handout and talk about Ms. Danis and SQ3R

Activity: Part 1: At you table you will be discussing how you read and learn from informational texts(your textbook).  Please be honest.  Next go around and rate how effective you think your strategy is on a 1-4 likert scale.  1-I'm a disaster 2-I struggle but survive 3-I feel like I have a good system 4-I have researched the most effective way learn from a text and execute it perfectly. 

Part 2: Please share with you group how you decide what to write down in your notes.  Do you have a system.  Next discuss how effective you feel the notes are when it comes time to study for a test.  Finally, share, if you have notes with the class and explain your process.

SQ3R Research: What is it?  How does it work?  Why is it so effective?  Is it researched based, i.e. do experts agree it is a very effective system to take notes?  Finally as a group put together a short presentation to explain how it works.

The DEAL: If you SQ3R all of the assignments, the absolute worst grade you can get on the first assessment is an 80.  Even if you get every question wrong!

In class you will SQ3R'ing pages 1-11.  You are trying to do this as efficiently as possible!  More is less!  What you don't finish in class is homework due Monday.

Homework due Monday is pages 13-22.  Don't forget to test yourself at the end of unit AND quiz each other over the notes!

Perspective Activity: At your table come up with a working definition of perspective. What do you see?
my wife and my mother in law optical illusion
For next class:

Activity: Part 1 Re-introduce yourself to your group and share a little bit about what you learned about your self by reading your MB profile online.  Provide examples...

Activity: Part 2 What do you see as your strengths in terms of being successful in AP?  What do you see as your weaknesses as it would relate to your success in AP? What could you do as a result of this knowledge to help you in this class?  Please use the information you gathered from your profile to support your answers.

Another Perspective: Evolutionary Psych

Fundamental Attribution Error

For next class:
Context Activity
Evolutionary Psych

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September 6, 2023

Monday, September 6, 2023

Collect Homework

Phones reminder

Circle:  What is a circle?  Why do we do it?
Circle Activity: Target Practice 
Circle Question: Cat or dog person? 

Period 3 Google Classroom Code: 6nopevt 

Period 4 Google Classroom Code: fvp4m6i

Learning Target:  I can explain why it's important to build community in the classroom.
1. How closely did you listen to your group?
2. On a piece of paper put down your name and then write down the number 1, 2, and 3.
3 With out any help from each other write down your groups names, favorite cartoon and the place they would like to visit.
4. Be prepared to share out your table-mate's answers.

Learning Target: To understand the major psychological perspectives and what they can tell us about ourselves and others.

Psychology Definition: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. 

Circle: A bizarre behavior you have witnessed at this school.

Activity: Part 1 Re-introduce yourself to your group and share a little bit about what you learned about your self by reading your MB profile online.  Provide examples...

Activity: Part 2 What do you see as your strengths in terms of being successful in AP?  What do you see as your weaknesses as it would relate to your success in AP? What could you do as a result of this knowledge to help you in this class?  Please use the information you gathered from your profile to support your answers.

Activity: Using  the behavior we talked about in circle and your limited understanding of psychology, try and determine why said person engaged in behavior.  Be ready to report out.

Fundamental Attribution Error

Perspective Activity: At your table come up with a working definition of perspective. What do you see?
my wife and my mother in law optical illusion

Another Perspective: Evolutionary Psych

Textbook: Handout and talk about Ms. Danis and SQ3R

Activity: You will be researching the efficacy of SQ3R with your group and putting together a brief presentation about why it works and the science behind it.

For next class:
Context Activity
Evolutionary Psych