Thursday January 23, 2025
Circle: In a number of European and Asian countries you take tests to see if a student should continue with their education. How do you think this school would be impacted if we used IQ tests to determine which level of course you take? What would be good and what would be bad?
Circle: If you could choose an area of your life to be more intelligent about what would it be and why? Examples:
Turn and Talk: How should we use testing of intelligence in schools, college and the workplace?
Working definition of Intelligence: The ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations.
Circle: You are smarter than some people and not as smart as others. What does "smart" mean in this context? Write down you answer first.
Circle: If you had the choice between having more intelligence or being more likable which would you choose and why?
Turn and Talk: How many of you immediatly asked after the IQ test thursday how others did? How did taking the test and the subsequent score make you feel?
Kim Peek
Stephen Wilshire
Kelvin Doe
Crash Course Intelligence
Howard Gardener's Multiple Intelligences
Crash Course: Controversy of Intelligence
Terms to know for test:
- Intelligence
- g
- Factor Analysis
- Howard Gardner
- Robert Sternberg
- Emotional intelligence
- Alfred Binet
- Stanford-Binet & Wechsler
- IQ
- Validity
- Reliability
- Standardization
- Normal distribution
- Stereotype Threat
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