Thursday January 2, 2025
Circle: An embarrassing memory that you can laugh at now? Circle: If you could get rid of painful memories, would you? Circle: What is your earliest childhood memory(and not one from a photo)
Cognition- how knowledge is acquired, stored and used. These processes include thinking, perception, memory, problem-solving, language, decision-making, and attention. Essentially, cognition encompasses all aspects of conscious and unconscious mental activity that enable us to understand and interact with the world around us.
Key Examples of Cognitive Processes:
Perception: Interpreting sensory information to make sense of the environment.
Memory: Storing and retrieving information over time.
Language: Understanding and producing spoken or written communication.
Problem-Solving: Finding solutions to challenges or obstacles.
Attention: Focusing mental resources on specific stimuli or tasks.
Decision-Making: Evaluating options and making choices.
Memory Slides
Cognition: Memory-the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information.
Homework: 325-336 and then 339-362.
Activity: Revisit the Hand
Circle: If you could erase the worst memory of your life, would you?
Activity: Do you remember the story?
Activity: From Behaviorism to Cognition
Student Activity: M31: Fact or Falsehood?
Student Activity: M31: Remembering the Seven Dwarfs
Student Activity: M31: Memory Capacity
Student Activity: M31: Meaningful Chunks
Student Activity: M31: Method of Loci
Student Activity: M31: Meaning and Memory
Student Activity: M31: Semantic Encoding of Pictures
Student Activity: M31: The Self-Reference Effect
What if you could get ride of it?
Each note card should have the term on the front. Then, on the back you need to A) define the term and B) show application of the term. This application can sometimes best be expressed as a personal example. You can also draw the application of the term if you so desire.
- Cognition
- Encoding
- Sensory memory
- Short-term memory
- Long-term memory
- Rehearsal
- Serial position effect
- Mnemonics
- Chunking
- Flashbulb memory
- Recall
- Recognition
- Proactive interference
- Retroactive interference
- Algorithm
- Heuristic
- Confirmation bias
- Mental set
- Functional fixedness
- Availability heuristic
- Phoneme
- Morpheme
- Telegraphic speech
Application Activity: Index Cards- Why is a self-reference important or drawing a picture?
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