Thursday, December 19, 2024

December 19, 2024

Thursday December 19, 2024

Circle: The best gift you ever gave?

Review for Exam

Sensation Test


Homework for the break: SQ3R pages 326-349

Have a great break!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

December 18, 2014

Wednesday December 18, 2014

Circle: A tradition that you have or did have around the holiday season that you either love or hate?

Review for Test


Practice Quiz on AP Classroom

Homework over the break

Summative Assessment- on December 19 over Sensation

Study Guide

Study Guide: Make sure you understand the following.  We will do a full review on Wednesday!

Module 20: Basic Concepts of Sensation and Perception

Module 21: Influences on Perception

Module 22: Vision: Sensory and Perceptual Processing

Module 23: Visual Organization and Interpretation

Module 24: Hearing

Module 25: The Other Senses

Crash Course: Sensation and Perception and Study Guide

Crash Course: Homunculus and Study Guide

Monday, December 16, 2024

December 16, 2024

Monday December 16, 2024 

Circle: You aren't exactly adults but you are definitely not little kids.  What is something you have come to realize or understand?  #2 A smell that brings back a positive memory?

Summative Assessment- on December 19 over Sensation

Study Guide

Study Guide: Make sure you understand the following.  We will do a full review on Wednesday!

Module 20: Basic Concepts of Sensation and Perception

Module 21: Influences on Perception

Module 22: Vision: Sensory and Perceptual Processing

Module 23: Visual Organization and Interpretation

Module 24: Hearing

Module 25: The Other Senses

Crash Course: Sensation and Perception and Study Guide

Crash Course: Homunculus and Study Guide

Activity: Do you have the gene?

Senses Skittles Experiment

Thursday, December 12, 2024

December 12, 2024

Thursday December 12, 2024

Circle: How old where you when the christmas season lost some of its magic?

Formative Assessment- Pick out three terms from 233-241 and your eye mnemonic.

Summative Assessment- on December 19 over Sensation

Study Guide: Make sure you understand the following.  We will do a full review on Wednesday!

Module 22: Vision: Sensory and Perceptual Processing

Module 23: Visual Organization and Interpretation

Activity: Depth Perception/Retinal Disparity/Googles

Senses Skittles Experiment

Monday, December 9, 2024

December 9, 2024

Monday December 9, 2024

Circle: If you had to give up one of your senses,  besides sight, which one would you give up?   Smell, taste, hearing, touch?

Sensation and Perception: Point to remember-We feel, see hear, taste, and smell with our BRAIN, which can sense even without functioning senses.

Vocabulary for Thursday: Wavelength to Audition

Quiz over vocabulary today.

Homework Due Today: SQ3R 222-230

Homework for Thursday:SQ3R 233-242

Homework for Monday SQ3R 244-249 and 251-261

Mnemonic Device for the Eye.  Lollipops will be awarded to the best mnemonic device!

Activity: Color Blindness

Activity: Blind Spot

Nova Clip: David Eagleman and Synesthesia

Synthesize the following:  What do the following tell us about the world YOU live in?

Activity: Understanding the Eye.  From you mnemonic device draw a simple picture of the eye and how light travels through it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

December 4, 2024

Wednesday December 4, 2024

Homework for Monday: SQ3R 222-231

Homework due: SQ3R 215-220

Handout: The Anxious Generation

Circle: If the findings are true, what are the long term ramifications of people spending so much time online, even if you aren't?

Sensation and Perception: Point to remember-We feel, see hear, taste, and smell with our BRAIN, which can sense even without functioning senses.

Vocabulary List: We will be quizzing over these on Thursday.  You will be responsible for the first 14 words but you must also have an example about how it applies to you.  This is your self reference.  You can also get 3 points extra credit if you turn these into notecards that have the definition and a self reference included.

Working at your table with other students come up with an example of how it applies directly to you.

Learning Targets: Understand the following-
What are sensation and perception? What do we mean by bottom-up processing and top-town processing?
Discuss how selective attention directs our attention.
Describe the three steps that are basic to all our sensory system.
What are the difference between absolute and difference thresholds.
Understand how we are affected by subliminal stimuli
What is the function of sensory adaptation?

Slide Show: Sensation

sensory receptors
bottom-up processing
top-down processing
inattentional blindness
signal detection theory
difference threshold

Monday, December 2, 2024

December 2, 2024

Monday December 2, 2024

Homework: SQ3R 215-220

New seating chart

Seating Chart Activity: First introduce yourself and the share what is an ASMR sound, visual or feeling that produces a response for you? Better yet share a video or sound from your phone if you can.  Not everyone experiences ASMR so don't feel bad if you don't have one.

What is ASMR(autonomous sensory meridian response)

Dream analysis

Circle: Did you notice anything different about the rest of you day on Monday after guided hypnosis?  Do you believe that some people have ESP?

Introduce Sensation and Perception: Point to remember-We feel, see hear, taste, and smell with our BRAIN, which can sense even without functioning senses.

Homework Due Today: SQ3R 204-213

Vocabulary List: We will be quizzing over these on Thursday.  You will be responsible for the first 14 words but you must also have an example about how it applies to you.  This is your self reference.  You can also get 3 points extra credit if you turn these into notecards that have the definition and a self reference included.

Learning Targets: Understand the following-
What are sensation and perception? What do we mean by bottom-up processing and top-town processing?
Discuss how selective attention directs our attention.
Describe the three steps that are basic to all our sensory system.
What are the difference between absolute and difference thresholds.
Understand how we are affected by subliminal stimuli
What is the function of sensory adaptation?

Introductory Activity:
What is different this time? Man on a horse picture from text
(Bottom-up processing to Top-down processing)
(Because we only have Selective Attention the result is Inattentional Blindness.) Why?

sensory receptors
bottom-up processing
top-down processing
inattentional blindness
signal detection theory
difference threshold

Monday, November 25, 2024

Monday November 25, 2024

Monday November 25, 2024

Circle: Do you think hypnosis is real or are people just faking it??

Homework due for Monday December 2nd.  SQ3R  204-212

Homework Due: SQ3R 168-178- Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Disorders and Dreams

Sleep Journal: If you haven't been filling out please take some time to fill in what you missed.  At your table please share the following with your table group.  How has you sleeping been?  Are you getting more or less than you thought?  Has keeping a journal and studying sleep made you change any of your bedtime habits?  Do you feel like your sleep level is good  or bad?

Activity: How good is you sleep and does it matter?


Activity: Please keep a record of your dreams over the weekend.  Write them down with as much detail of specifics as you can.  You will be doing dream analysis on Monday and this will make class much more interesting if you have your own dream to analyze.

Circle #2: Do you think dreams mean anything? 

Hypnosis slide show

Activity: Research the two theories of hypnosis.  Which one will I be doing with you?

One finger Story

Hypnosis- What are the two theories?

Video (11:30 mark)

Activity: Guided Hypnosis

Thursday, November 21, 2024

November 21, 2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Circle: A re-occuring drean you have been having or had?  Did you have a stuffy or blanky when you were little and what was its name?

Homework Check

Slide Show

Homework: SQ3R 168-178- Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Disorders and Dreams

Sleep Journal: If you haven't been filling out please take some time to fill in what you missed.  At your table please share the following with your table group.  How has you sleeping been?  Are you getting more or less than you thought?  Has keeping a journal and studying sleep made you change any of your bedtime habits?  Do you feel like your sleep level is good  or bad?

Activity: You will become an expert on a particular sleep disorder.  1. Insomnia 2. Sleep Apnea 

3. Narcolepsy 4. Nightmares and Night Terrors 5. Sleepwalking 6. Sleep Paralysis 7. What would happen if you didn't sleep? 8. Restless Leg Syndrome

What is it?

What causes it?

What are the treatments?


Activity: Please keep a record of your dreams over the weekend.  Write them down with as much detail of specifics as you can.  You will be doing dream analysis on Monday and this will make class much more interesting if you have your own dream to analyze.

Circle: Do you believe hypnosis is real or are people just faking it?

Activity: True-false Hypnosis

Hypnosis slide show

Activity: Research the two theories of hypnosis.  Which one will I be doing with you?

Activity: M19 The Creative Imagination Scale

One finger Story you have it?

Hypnosis- What are the two theories?

Video (11:30 mark)

Activity: Guided Hypnosis

Monday, November 18, 2024


Monday November 18, 2024

New Seating Chart/Activity Each team has to find something unique about each person and something they all share in common as a group — these can be things about their personality, hobbies, fun facts, or anything else.

Circle: What is your favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal and one thing you will not eat?

Unit TopicsConsciousness, Sleep, Dreams, and Hypnosis

Hypnosis on Monday

Homework Due for Wedneday : SQ3R 157-165

Sleep Journal:  On average, how many hours of sleep have you been getting on a school night?

Activity: 20-8 How large is you sleep deficit?  What are strategies you can implement to improve you sleep.  Create a customized list of things that you know you need to work on or strategies you currently use that work and are backed up by science.

Activity: At you table you will come up with a brief presentation about the long term effects of not getting enough sleep.  If you have three people, your presentation will have 3 parts.  If four people, it would have 4 parts.

For Example: Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain because; 1. Increases ghrelin, a hunger-arousing hormone and decreases leptin which decreases hunger.  2. Decreases metabolic (energy use) rate.  3. Increases cortisol production,  a stress hormone that stimulates the body to make fat(energy storage). 4. Enhances limbic brain response to the mere sight of food and reduces cortical response which helps us resist temptation.

Activity: 22-1 True or False

Note cards: Below is a list of terms that you will need to know for the AP Psych exam.    Each note card should have the term on the front.  Then, on the back you need to A) define the term and B) show application of the term.  This application can sometimes best be expressed as a personal example.  You can also draw the application of the term if you so desire.
  • consciousness
  • circadian rhythm
  • REM sleep
  • hallucinations
  • insomnia
  • narcolepsy
  • sleep apnea
  • night terrors
  • manifest content
  • latent content
  • hypnosis
  • dissociation
Stages of Sleep - Sleep Cycles
Stages of Sleep, REM Sleep and Dreaming
What Makes You Tick: Circadian Rhythms
Circadian Rhythm and Your Brains Clock

Sleep loss and disorders
What It’s Like To Have Insomnia
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)
Nightmares and Night Terrors
What would happen if you didn’t sleep?

Crash Course Dreams
Hypnosis Discovering Psychology: The Mind Hidden and Divided (11:30 mark)

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Thursday November 14, 2024

Thursday November 14, 2024

Circle: Would you rather talk like Yoda or breath like Darth Vader and why?

Homework: SQ3R 193-197

What happen when your brain gets injured?

Consciousness:  What is it?  Come up with a definition that makes sense to you.  How big a deal is your conscious existence to you personally?  Why are their only 3 paragraphs about it in the textbook?

Rubber Hand Illusion...

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

November 13, 2024

Wednesday November 13, 2024

Circle: How much sleep do you get on an average weeknite?  How much on a weekend?  How tired do you generally feel at school?

Homework Quiz

The Brain: David Eagleman

Questions: The Brain Episode 1

The Brain...

What happen when your brain gets injured?

 One Pager Brain Project


Thursday, November 7, 2024

November 7, 2024

Thursday November 7, 2024

New Seating Chart and Activity...

Circle: A grooming habit that people do in public that grosses you out.

Homework for Wednesday: 109-128.  This is two modules.  Break it up.

Homework Due: 87-93

The Brain: David Eagleman

Questions: The Brain Episode 1

Slideshow: The Brain

Thursday, October 31, 2024

October 31, 2024

October 31, 2024

Happy Halloween!

Circle: Seniors and underclassmen sit by grade. We are now through the first quarter of the senior's year.  A lot of you are dealing with the whole college process and it is probably somewhat stressful.  If you were sitting in the under-classmen's seat, what would you tell them or offer for advice?  If you are an underclassmen, what questions do you have?


Activity: Hand model

Activity: Latin roots

Activity: Labeling and coloring the brain diagram.

Kahoot for Candy based off of homework.

Homework: SQ3R109-118 for Monday

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

October 30, 2024

October 30, 2024

Circle: Do you think you are addicted to your phone?  What is addiction?

Homework: SQ3R pages 98-106

Quiz: Nervous system and neuron quiz

Drugs...What are they good for?

Activity: True or False

Activity: Are you addicted to your phone?

Psychoactive Drugs

Activity: Agonist vs Antagonist

Monday, October 28, 2024

October 28, 2024

Monday October 28, 2024

CSS Profile

Happiness Journal

Neuron Model: Due today

Homework: SQ3R 80-97 Due today

Quiz over Vocabulary on Wednesday October 30th

Circle: A halloween costume when you were little that you were really excited about wearing.

Biological Psychology and Transmission

Nervous and Endocrine System

Neurotransmitters and Scenarios

Learning Targets: I can explain/understand:

What are neurons, and how do they transmit informationMyelin sheath
How do neurotransmitters influence behavior, and how do drugs and other chemicals affect neurotransmission?
What are the functions of the nervous system’s main divisions?
How do neuroscientists study the brain’s connections to behavior and mind?
What are the functions of important lower-level brain structures?
What functions are served by the various cerebral cortex regions?

Unit: Biological Bases of Behavior

Point to remember!!!- Everything psychological is simultaneously biological.

Power Point

Domino Neuron Analogy

2 Minute Neuroscience- The Neuron

Crash Course

Get to you know your nervous system

Divisions of the Nervous System

2 Minute Neuroscience- Division of the Nervous System

Psych for kids

Why are people so afraid of clowns?


Explore the Brain

Vocabulary for this unit and which should be turned into notecards:

Thursday, October 24, 2024

October 24, 2024

Thursday October 24, 2024

CSS Profile

Happiness Journal

Neuron Model: Due Monday October 28th.

Homework: SQ3R 80-97 Due Monday October 28th.

Quiz over Vocabulary on Wednesday October 30th

Circle: Say you’re independently wealthy and don’t have to work, what would you do with your time?

Biological Psychology and Transmission

Nervous and Endocrine System

Make a neuron

Learning Targets: I can explain/understand:

What are neurons, and how do they transmit informationMyelin sheath
How do neurotransmitters influence behavior, and how do drugs and other chemicals affect neurotransmission?
What are the functions of the nervous system’s main divisions?
How do neuroscientists study the brain’s connections to behavior and mind?
What are the functions of important lower-level brain structures?
What functions are served by the various cerebral cortex regions?

Unit: Biological Bases of Behavior

Point to remember!!!- Everything psychological is simultaneously biological.

Power Point

Domino Neuron Analogy

2 Minute Neuroscience- The Neuron

Crash Course

Get to you know your nervous system

Divisions of the Nervous System

2 Minute Neuroscience- Division of the Nervous System

Psych for kids

Why are people so afraid of clowns?


Explore the Brain

Vocabulary for this unit and which should be turned into notecards:

Monday, October 21, 2024

October 21, 2024

Monday October 21, 2014

New Seating Chart and activity- Rose, Thorn, Bud Game

Circle: One particular place you would like to visit in the USA?

Homework SQ3R 80-97.  This will be checked for a formative grade on the 28th.

QUIZ on perspectives and genetics

Building a neuron model:  Due October 28th.  Quarter ends the 31st.

Activity: True/False

Activity: Reaction Time

Activity: Cross hands and confuse brain

Mind Body Connection Activity:  We know that everything psychological is simultaneously biological. What implications can you draw about the brain and its structure from the following three examples:  In groups of three what are some of the implications of the following information?

Shawn Achor Video

Harvard Study

NPR Story:

ACES Video

Your ACE's score: Does it surprise you?

Thursday, October 17, 2024

October 17, 2024

Thursday October 17, 2024

Circle: What are you currently listening to? 

Unit 1: The Brain-Everything Psychological is simultaneously Biological

Nature/Nurture Review

Activity: Introduction to the brain and neuroscience. David Eagleman.

Module 9 slide show

Mind-body connection: Using example from page 79 of the Chinese transplant surgeon how would you answer the following questions?  1. Would Wang still be Wang?  2.  After recovering whose home should he return to?  3.  If he had specialized skills like music, would Wang retain that skill or is it dependent on the new body's muscle memory?  4.  If Wang was to later father a child, whom should the birth certificate list as the father?  

Learning Targets: I can explain/understand

What are neurons, and how do they transmit informationMyelin sheet
How do neurotransmitters influence behavior, and how do drugs and other chemicals affect neurotransmission?
What are the functions of the nervous system’s main divisions?
How does the endocrine system – the body’s slower information system – transmit its messages?
How do neuroscientists study the brain’s connections to behavior and mind?
What are the functions of important lower-level brain structures?
What functions are served by the various cerebral cortex regions?
What do split brains reveal about the functions of our two brain hemispheres?

Homework: Study for QUIZ

Building a neuron model:  Due October 28th.  Quarter ends the 31st.

Activity: True/False

Activity: Reaction Time

Activity: Cross hands and confuse brain

Mind Body Connection Activity:  We know that everything psychological is simultaneously biological.  What implications can you draw about the brain and its structure from the following three examples:  In groups of three what are some of the implications of the following information?

Shawn Achor Video

Harvard Study

NPR Story:

ACES Video
Your ACE's score: Does it surprise you?

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

October 16, 2024

Wednesday October 16, 2024

Some people still need to sign up for AP classroom and the exam

If you still haven't taken our first assessment you need to do that ASAP!

Circle: After watching twin documentary do you think we are more Nature or Nurture?

Homework due today is SQ3R pages 13-19. 129-138

Quiz on Monday over Psychological Approaches and  Behavior Genetics -Terms

Separated at Birth- Twin Studies

1. Ethically, what is wrong with twin studies?

2. What parts of the documentary make you think that nature(genetics) plays a bigger role in who we are?

3. What parts of the documentary make you think that nurture(how we are raised) plays a bigger role in who we are?

4. How has power of genetics been used to justify horrible acts of racism?

5. If genetics is determined to play the central role in who we are, what are the implications for society, school, culture?

6. What are epigenetics?

Perspectives: What are they and how do we apply them?  What is the Bio-Psych-Social model and why do most Psychologists use it?  Take out the hand drawing.

How would you explain the following behavior using the perspectives?  Brittany...

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Thursday October 10, 2024

Thursday October 10, 2024

Homework is SQ3R pages 13-19. 129-138,  by Wednesday, October 16th

Separated at Birth: Twins and Triplets Reunite after Cruel Experiment

Questions to answer:

1. What is the main topic of the video?

2. Why were the twins separated?

3. What were the ethical concerns raised in the video?

4. How did the twins feel about being separated?

5. What was the role of the Louise Wise adoption agency?

6. How did the twins' upbringing differ despite being genetically identical?

7. What did the twins discover about each other later in life?

8. What was the impact of the study on the twins' mental health?


9. What was the scientific community's view on the separation of twins?

10. What lessons can be learned from this study about ethics in research?

Monday, October 7, 2024

October 7, 2024

Monday October 7, 2024

Circle: A quirky habit you have?

Seating Chart/Seating Chart activity: Who do you look more like, your mom or your dad?  Who are you more like, your mom or your dad?  

The Brain with David Eagleman- Everything psychological is simultaneously biological.

Brain is a prediction machine

Reality is a hallucination.

Activity: The Hand...Perspectives. 

Nature and Nurture- Kids in the hall...

Activity: The Hand...Perspectives. 

Learning Target 1: To understand the major psychological perspectives and what they can tell us about ourselves and others.

Learning Target 2: I can explain how Psychology is the study of behavior AND mental processes and I can define and apply the major psychological perspectives.

Definition of Psychology: The study of behavior and the mind (mental processes).

Transcript activity.  Maxwell Smart  Jane Doe Bio-psych-social model

Quiz Wednesday over Bio-psycho-social Approach and the perspectives(see table 2.1 on page 16)

Homework is SQ3R pages 13-19. 129-138,  by Wednesday, October 16th

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Wednesday October 2, 2024

Go to:

AP Classroom join codes:

Period 3 NE6WQ9

Period 4 AWVXRE

Circle: what is your comfort food?

Students have the option of working on two different activities. 

(Option 1)  I have included a practice test.  Each student should be working on this individually.  When they are done with the test tell  them to pair up with someone else who is finished and compare answers.  After they have compared answers, give them the answer sheet and tell them to go through and identify areas that they need to study more.  

(Option 2) The other option is to work on creating the note cards that are due on Thursday, the day of the exam. The list is included on the class blog.  (Vocabulary Words Here) Remind them that these need to be completed for class on Thursday to have the minimum of an 80 option.   Please remind them that they should include both the definition and if possible a self-reference. 

The local pool is noticing a strange pattern—every time people eat more ice cream, there seems to be more belly flops happening in the pool! Your task is to figure out if there’s a relationship between the two.

Data Set:

Ice Cream Scoops EatenNumber of Belly Flops

Instructions for the Students:

  1. Plot this data on a scatterplot with:
    • X-axis = Ice Cream Scoops Eaten
    • Y-axis = Number of Belly Flops
  2. Label your axes and make sure your points are clearly plotted.
  3. After plotting, look at the pattern—does it look like there’s a positive correlation? What might this suggest about eating ice cream and belly flops?

Friday, September 27, 2024

September 30, 2024

Monday September 30, 2024

Go to:

AP Classroom join codes:

Period 3 NE6WQ9

Period 4 AWVXRE

Circle: "What do adults forget about being a teenager?"

Students have the option of working on two different activities. 

(Option 1)  I have included a practice test.  Each student should be working on this individually.  When they are done with the test tell  them to pair up with someone else who is finished and compare answers.  After they have compared answers, give them the answer sheet and tell them to go through and identify areas that they need to study more.  

(Option 2) The other option is to work on creating the note cards that are due on Thursday, the day of the exam. The list is included on the class blog.  (Vocabulary Words Here) Remind them that these need to be completed for class on Thursday to have the minimum of an 80 option.   Please remind them that they should include both the definition and if possible a self-reference. 

If they did not finish the test, or they didn’t get to take it because they were working on notecards, please give each student one to take home with the answer sheet.