Monday October 3, 2022
If you missed the quiz last week and still have not made it up please see me ASAP
Circle: Something you heard that you wish was actually true?
At your table: What does it mean when I say your brain is a prediction machine?
Activity: How to make notecards. Self reference.
Introduce Scientific Foundations of Psychology
Activity: True or False
Learning Targets: I Can...
1. Recognizing problems and solutions in research
2. Understanding Scientific Method
3. Differentiate Correlation and Experimentation
4. Explain Research design and ethics
5. Use Statistical Reasoning
Video: Why it is important to understand scientific studies.
John Oliver and scientific studies
Understand the Following:
Naturalistic Observation- Cafeteria
Survey- Should we get ride of class rankings?
Homework Due Monday-SQ3R Module 5 pages 42-49
Homework for Thursday SQ3R 50-57
Research Methods: Zimbardo Video
Activity: Screen time and GPA- you will be setting up an experiment and naming all the parts to determine if the amount of screen time can affect your GPA. You will need to develop thesis, operationally define the experiment, replication, population, random sampling, correlation, causation, correlation coefficent, and scatterplots. Then you will design an experiment that will try to determine how much a new medication for concentrating can impact GPA by creating an experiment and all its parts. Your experiment must address the following, random assignment, double blind procedure, placebo effect, experimental group, control group, independent variable, confounding variable and dependent variable.
Correlation vs. Causation: Firemen and fires, Ice cream and drowning, Shoes and headaches.
Exit Ticket: Something you would like me to know.