Friday, September 30, 2022

October 3, 2022

Monday October 3, 2022

If you missed the quiz last week and still have not made it up please see me ASAP

Circle: Something you heard that you wish was actually true?

At your table: What does it mean when I say your brain is a prediction machine?

Activity: How to make notecards.  Self reference.

Introduce Scientific Foundations of Psychology

Activity: True or False

Learning Targets:  I Can...

1. Recognizing problems and solutions in research

2. Understanding Scientific Method

3. Differentiate Correlation and Experimentation

4. Explain Research design and ethics

5. Use Statistical Reasoning

Video: Why it is important to understand scientific studies.

John Oliver and scientific studies

Understand the Following:

Case Study

Naturalistic Observation- Cafeteria

Survey- Should we get ride of class rankings?

Homework Due Monday-SQ3R Module 5 pages 42-49  

Homework for Thursday SQ3R 50-57

Vocabulary for Thursday

Research Methods: Zimbardo Video

Activity:  Screen time and GPA- you will be setting up an experiment and naming all the parts to determine if the amount of screen time can affect your GPA.  You will need to develop thesis, operationally define the experiment,  replication, population,  random sampling, correlation, causation, correlation coefficent, and scatterplots.  Then you will design an experiment that will try to determine how much a new medication for concentrating  can impact GPA by creating an experiment and all its parts. Your experiment must address the following, random assignment, double blind procedure, placebo effect, experimental group, control group, independent variable, confounding variable and dependent variable.


Correlation vs. Causation: Firemen and fires, Ice cream and drowning, Shoes and headaches.

Exit Ticket:  Something you would like me to know.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Thursday September 29, 2022

Circle: How good is your intuition?

At your table: What does it mean when I say your brain is a prediction machine?

Make a prediction:  On a slip of paper write down how you think you did on the test and a number between 1-10 (1 being not at all and 10 feeling very confident) about how confident you are about your prediction?

Hand back quizzes.  Stupid mistakes...?

Homework Quiz:  This a group assignment

Notecards...How to make them!

Introduce Scientific Foundations of Psychology

Activity: True or False

Learning Targets:  I Can...

1. Recognizing problems and solutions in research

2. Understanding Scientific Method

3. Differentiate Correlation and Experimentation

4. Explain Research design and ethics

5. Use Statistical Reasoning

Video: Why it is important to understand scientific studies.

John Oliver and scientific studies

SQ3R Module 5 pages 42-49  Please break up into multiple days.


Correlation vs. Causation: Firemen and fires, Ice cream and drowning, Shoes and headaches.

Ethics in psychological research.

Research Methods: Zimbardo Video

Activity:  1) TV and GPA- you will be setting up an experiment and naming all the parts to determine if the amount of screen time can affect your GPA.  You will need to develop thesis, operationally define the experiment,  replication, population,  random sampling, correlation, causation, correlation coefficent, and scatterplots.  2) Then you will design an experiment that will try to determine how much a new medication for concentrating  can impact GPA by creating an experiment and all its parts. Your experiment must address the following, random assignment, double blind procedure, placebo effect, experimental group, control group, independent variable, confounding variable and dependent variable.

Exit Ticket:  Something you would like me to know.

Monday, September 26, 2022

September 26, 2022

Monday September 26, 2022

Quiz today over the 8 perspectives and the bio-psych-social model.

Remind App

Note and notecard check.

Learning Target 1: To understand the major psychological perspectives and what they can tell us about ourselves and others.

Learning Target 2: I can explain how Psychology is the study of behavior AND mental processes and I can define and apply the major psychological perspectives.

Circle: How do you study for tests?  Do you have a specific strategy?

Definition of Psychology: The study of behavior and the mind (mental processes).

Activity:The Hand...Perspectives. 

How to study?  How to approach multiple-choice questions.  Hand out packet.

Quiz Monday over Bio-psycho-social Approach and the perspectives(see table 2.1 on page 16)

Homework: SQ3R pages 38-47.  Its two modules and should be broken up over two nights.  Trust me.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

September 22, 2022

Thursday September 22, 2022

AP Classroom sign up.

Reminder about phones.  Why I care.  66 days.

Circle: What is your comfort food?

Learning Target 1: To understand the major psychological perspectives and what they can tell us about ourselves and others.

Learning Target 2: I can explain how Psychology is the study of behavior AND mental processes and I can define and apply the major psychological perspectives.

Seating Chart activity: Using the perspectives sheet from yesterday how would the various perspectives make sense of people who fight behind the urinals at the fair?  If you had to combine at least three, which ones seem like the best approach to the behavior?

Definition of Psychology: The study of behavior and the mind (mental processes).

Activity: Finish The Hand...Perspectives. 

Transcript activity.  Maxwell Smart  Jane Doe Bio-psych-social model

Quiz Monday over Bio-psycho-social Approach and the perspectives(see table 2.1 on page 16)

The WORST score you can get on the quiz is an 80 IF you bring in all your SQ3R notes along with all 9 hand-written note cards with the vocabulary.

How to study?  Crash course, note-cards, study groups, SQ3R, practice test, AP Central, etc.

Wednesday September 21, 2022

Wednesday September 21, 2022

AP Classroom sign up.

Reminder about phones.  Why I care.  67 days.

Circle: What subtle thing do you know pushes one of you parents buttons?

Learning Target 1: To understand the major psychological perspectives and what they can tell us about ourselves and others.

Learning Target 2: I can explain how Psychology is the study of behavior AND mental processes and I can define and apply the major psychological perspectives.

Seating Chart activity: Using your homework, put together a brief presentation about which career fields the people at you desk sounded the most interesting and why.

Definition of Psychology: The study of behavior and the mind (mental processes).

Activity: Gallery note walk for pages 24-3.  Stand next to the one you like the most.

Activity: Explain this behavior using the handout of the nine perspectives.  Free Solo

Activity:The Hand...Perspectives. 

Transcript activity.  Maxwell Smart  Jane Doe Bio-psych-social model

Due Today-Homework SQ3R 24-31 and rank the different fields from top to bottom in terms of which field you would go into if you were to study psychology in college.  In simple terms, which ones sound the most interesting to you.  Be prepared to repost out in class which you chose and why on Wednesday

Transcript activity.  Maxwell Smart  Jane Doe Bio-psych-social model

Quiz Monday over Bio-psycho-social Approach and the perspectives(see table 2.1 on page 16)

How to study?  Crash course, note-cards, study groups, SQ3R, practice test, etc.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Monday September 19, 2022

Learning Target 1: To understand the major psychological perspectives and what they can tell us about ourselves and others.

Learning Target 2: I can explain how Psychology is the study of behavior AND mental processes and I can define and apply the major psychological perspectives.

Circle: Why is Brittany Spears so fascinating?

Seating Chart activity: Introduce yourself and your share your favorite meal to make.

Definition of Psychology: The study of behavior and the mind (mental processes).

Activity: Gallery note walk for pages 13-23.  Stand next to the one you like the most.

Activity:The Hand...Perspectives. 

Activity: Outrageous Celebrity

Due Wednesday-Homework SQ3R 24-31 and rank the different fields from top to bottom in terms of which field you would go into if you were to study psychology in college.  In simple terms, which ones sound the most interesting to you.  Be prepared to repost out in class which you chose and why on Wednesday

Transcript activity.  Maxwell Smart  Jane Doe Bio-psych-social model

Quiz Monday over Bio-psycho-social Approach and the perspectives(see table 2.1 on page 16)

How to study?

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

September 15, 2022

Thursday September 15, 2022

Learning Target for the year: I can help build a community in the classroom and understand its importance in relation to learning.

Circle: What is your favorite thing at the fair?

New Seating Chart

Seating Chart activity: Introduce yourself and your share you favorite thing to do outside of school and something only someone who lives in your house would know about you.

MB: One thing you think would help people at your table understand about you from Myers-Briggs.

Definition of Psychology: The study of behavior and the mind (mental processes).

Activity: Why is Psychology considered a science?  How reliable is common sense?  Can it be contradictory?  Most tidbits of accepted common sense have a polar opposite that that is just as accepted.  See if you can come up with the corresponding contradictory statement to the examples below.
"Birds of a feather flock together"
"out of sight, out of mind"
"the more the merrier"
Psychology's job is to test and in which contexts, each statement rings true.  Why do you think that Psychology is so worried about being known as a real science?  Why do you think some question the field of psychology?

Activity: The power of context.  A newspaper...

Activity: We will be SQ3R'ing Module 1 together.  How should we do it?  Consult your research and let's list the steps.  Begin.
Activity: Note walk

Takeaway:  Psychology today is a science because it uses systematic observations and the collection of data to try to answer questions about the mind, behavior, and their interactions.  Psychology seeks to describe, predict, and explain behavior and the mental processes underlying behavior.  (use Introverts as example and split the room)  In psychology, as in science in general, people tend to accept one theory and proceed under the assumptions of that theory until sufficient data inconsistent with the theory is

Learning Target 1: To understand the major psychological perspectives and what they can tell us about ourselves and others.

Learning Target 2: I can explain how Psychology is the study of behavior AND mental processes and I can define and apply the major psychological perspectives.

Perspective Activity: At your table come up with a working definition of perspective. What do you see?

Another Perspective: Evolutionary Psychology

SQ3R: Using your diagram from yesterday explain to you group what you think you will be reading about in the text.  Using the text start the SQ3R process for pages 13-16.  Remember you are trying to be efficient as possible.  

Activity: Evolutionary Psychology

Activity: The Hand...Perspectives. 

Activity: Outrageous Celebrity

Homework: SQ3R Module 2 pages 13-23.  How should you break this assignment up if it is due on Monday?

Next Class- Transcript activity.  Bio-psych-social model

Monday, September 12, 2022

September 12, 2022

 Psychology: The study of behavior and mental processes

Monday September 12, 2022

Circle: One thing you understand better about yourself or people based on the MB profile.

Table Activity: When is the first time you remember meeting/seeing the people at your table.  Who has known each other the longest?

Learning Target(s): A.  I can help build a community in the classroom and understand its importance in relation to learning.  

B.  I can read an informational textbook efficiently and effectively.

Answer the follow: .What strategy do you use for reading a textbook?  How effective is it?  How do you know what to take for notes?  How do you organize your notes?  How effective are your notes when it comes time to study for an assessment? 

Textbook: Handout and talk about Ms. Danis and SQ3R
1. Nominate a note taker.
2. Nominate someone to lead the discussion
3. Nominate a reporter

Activity: You will be researching the efficacy of SQ3R with your group and putting together a brief presentation about why it works and the science behind it.

Activity: Why is Psychology considered a science?  How reliable is common sense?  Can it be contradictory?  Most tidbits of accepted common sense have a polar opposite that that is just as accepted.  See if you can come up with the corresponding contradictory statement to the examples below.
"Birds of a feather flock together"
"out of sight, out of mind"
"the more the merrier"
Psychology's job is to test and in which contexts, each statement rings true.

Activity: The power of context.  A newspaper...

Activity: We will be SQ3R'ing Module 1 together.  How should we do it?  Consult your research and let's list the steps.  Begin.
Activity: Note walk

Perspective Activity: At your table come up with a working definition of perspective. What do you see?

Another Perspective: Evolutionary Psychology

Study Groups?

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

September 8, 2022

Thursday September 8, 2022

Circle: A bizarre behavior you have witness at school.

Definition of Psychology: The study of behavior and the mind (mental process).

Period 3 Google Classroom code: b4ghpnt

Period 4 Google Classroom code: b3miu3e

Learning Target: I can help build a community in the classroom and understand its importance in relation to learning.

Why would I assign you to a group?  Make T-Chart with pros and cons
Rock Paper Scissors to see who presents

You will not  be turning this in.  On a piece of scrap paper write down why you are taking AP classes.  Now look around the room and write down why you think others in the room are taking them.   

Circle: Not including yourself, why do you think students take AP classes?

Fundamental Attribution Error:  Look it up.



Keep binder with all handouts organized by unit :

Unit 1: When and how did psychological science begin?
How did psychology continue to develop from the 1920’s through today?
What is psychology’s historic big issue?
What are psychology’s levels of analysis and related perspectives?
What are psychology’s main subfields?
How can psychological principles help you as a student


Activity: Part 1 Re-introduce yourself to your group and share a little bit about what you learned about your self by reading your MB profile online.  Provide examples...

Activity: Part 2 What do you see as your strengths in terms of being successful in AP?  What do you see as your weaknesses as it would relate to your success in AP? What could you do as a result of this knowledge to help you in this class?  Please use the information you gathered from your profile to support your answers.

Lets see how it works: S v N Tell me everything you can about the man in this picture.
How is your learning going to be improved by having people with different profiles in your group?

Activity: Using  the behavior we talked about in circle and your limited understanding of psychology, try and determine why that  person engaged in that particular behavior.  Be ready to report out.

You just made the Fundamental Attribution Error

Learning Target:  I can read an informational textbook efficiently and effectively.

Textbook: Handout and talk about Ms. Danis and SQ3R
1. Nominate a note taker.
2. Nominate someone to lead the discussion
3. Nominate a reporter

Answer the follow: a. What strategy do you use for reading a textbook?  How effective is it?  How do you know what to take for notes?  How do you organize your notes?  How effective are your notes when it comes time to study for an assessment?  

Activity: You will be researching the efficacy of SQ3R with your group and putting together a brief presentation about why it works and the science behind it.

Activity: The power of context.

Perspective Activity: At your table come up with a working definition of perspective. What do you see?

Another Perspective: Evolutionary Psych

September 7, 2022

Wednesday September 7, 2022

Period 3 Google Classroom code: b4ghpnt

Period 4 Google Classroom code: b3miu3e

Welcome to Advanced Placement Psychology!  

Learning Target: I can help build a community in the classroom and understand its importance in relation to learning.

Groupings Chart

Introduce yourself to the group by saying your name then:
1. Name a job you wanted to do when you were little
2. Favorite cartoon
3. One place you'd like to visit.

Report out someone and something about them.

Why would I assign you to a group?  Make T-Chart with pros and cons
Rock Paper Scissors to see who presents

You will not  be turning this in.  On a piece of scrap paper write down why you are taking AP classes.  Now look around the room and write down why you think others in the room are taking them.  You 

Circle Explanation: Restorative Justice

Circle: Not including yourself, why do you think students take AP classes?

Fundamental Attribution Error:  Look it up.

Circle #2 if time permits...

Definition of Psychology: The study of behavior and the mind (mental process).






Keep binder with all handouts organized by unit :

Unit 1: When and how did psychological science begin?
How did psychology continue to develop from the 1920’s through today?
What is psychology’s historic big issue?
What are psychology’s levels of analysis and related perspectives?
What are psychology’s main subfields?
How can psychological principles help you as a student?

Learning Target: To understand the major psychological perspectives and what they can tell us about ourselves and others.

Psychology Definition: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. 

Circle: A bizarre behavior you have witnessed this school year.

Activity: Part 1 Re-introduce yourself to your group and share a little bit about what you learned about your self by reading your MB profile online.  Provide examples...

Activity: Part 2 What do you see as your strengths in terms of being successful in AP?  What do you see as your weaknesses as it would relate to your success in AP? What could you do as a result of this knowledge to help you in this class?  Please use the information you gathered from your profile to support your answers.

Activity: Using  the behavior we talked about in circle and your limited understanding of psychology, try and determine why said person engaged in behavior.  Be ready to report out.

Fundamental Attribution Error

Perspective Activity: At your table come up with a working definition of perspective. What do you see?

Another Perspective: Evolutionary Psych

Textbook: Handout and talk about Ms. Danis and SQ3R

Activity: You will be researching the efficacy of SQ3R with your group and putting together a brief presentation about why it works and the science behind it.


Homework: Choose one of the articles to read listed below.  After reading the article answer the following questions:  What is one thing you agree with, one thing you disagree with and one thing you have further questions about?  The answers should be written down on paper.  This is due on Tuesday September 7th.

1. New Insights on College Drinking (American Psychological Association, Oct. 2013)

2. Why the Teen Brain is Drawn to Risk (Time, Oct. 8, 2012)

6. Good Parents, Bad Results (U.S. News & World Report, June 12, 2008)

7. Teenager, Friends, and Bad Decisions (New York Times, February 3, 2011)

Thursday, September 1, 2022

September 1, 2022

Thursday September 2, 2022

Period 3 Google Classroom code: b4ghpnt

Period 4 Google Classroom code: b3miu3e

Welcome to Advanced Placement Psychology!  

Learning Target: I can help build a community in the classroom and understand its importance in relation to learning.

Groupings Chart

Introduce yourself to the group:
1. Name a job you wanted to do when you were little
2. Favorite cartoon
3. One place you'd like to visit.

Report out someone and something about them.

Why would I assign you to a group?  Make T-Chart with pros and cons
Rock Paper Scissors to see who presents

You will not  be turning this in.  On a piece of scrap paper write down why you are taking AP classes.  Now look around the room and write down why you think others in the room are taking them.  You 

Circle Explanation: Restorative Justice

Circle: Not including yourself, why do you think students take AP classes?

Fundamental Attribution Error:  Look it up.

Circle #2 if time permits...

Definition of Psychology: The study of behavior and the mind (mental process).






Keep binder with all handouts organized by unit :

Unit 1: When and how did psychological science begin?
How did psychology continue to develop from the 1920’s through today?
What is psychology’s historic big issue?
What are psychology’s levels of analysis and related perspectives?
What are psychology’s main subfields?
How can psychological principles help you as a student?


Homework: Choose one of the articles to read listed below.  After reading the article answer the following questions:  What is one thing you agree with, one thing you disagree with and one thing you have further questions about?  The answers should be written down on paper.  This is due on Tuesday September 7th.

1. New Insights on College Drinking (American Psychological Association, Oct. 2013)

2. Why the Teen Brain is Drawn to Risk (Time, Oct. 8, 2012)

6. Good Parents, Bad Results (U.S. News & World Report, June 12, 2008)

7. Teenager, Friends, and Bad Decisions (New York Times, February 3, 2011)