Thursday October 17, 2019
Quiz over parts of the brain and their function.
Homework Assignment Sheet for Unit 3
Circle Question: A rule from elementary school that you thought was silly or ridiculous?
Questions from Unit 3A you need to know for the test:
What are neurons, and how do they transmit information?
How do nerve cells communicate with other nerve cells?
How do neurotransmitters influence behavior, and how do drugs and other chemicals affect neurotransmission?
What are the functions of the nervous system’s main divisions?
How does the endocrine system – the body’s slower information system – transmit its messages?
What you need to know from 3B:
1. I can identify parts of the brainstem and functions of each.
2. I can understand the function of the thalamus.
3. I can understand the function of the cerebellum.
4. I can identify the parts of the limbic system and the functions of each.
5. I can identify and delineate the major regions of the cerebral cortex.
I can identify and delineate the two specialized language areas of the
left hemisphere, and describe the right hemisphere's special function.
7. I can understand the concept of brain plasticity.
Activity: With your group, research online effective ways to
remember parts of the brain. Be ready to share what you found with the
Slideshow: Biological Bases of behavior.
Very useful video's about the Brain:
Crash Course- The Chemical Mind
Crash Course- Meet Your Master
Neuron and Neurotransmitter Kahoot
Endocrine Kahoot
Brain and Behavior Kahoot
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