Monday February 24, 2025
Homework Check and Quiz
Circle Question: What do you think is hardest part of parenting a baby, a child, a teenager?
Sock Puppets...
Learning Target: Understanding Human Development
Slideshow: Prenatal Development and the Newborn
Temperament Survey: At you table with your group, share out what were the biggest consistency's and differences in your temperament from age 2-3 to know, a teenager. How do you account for the similarities and differences?
Can you call a 9-year-old a psychopath?
Parenting Styles
Homework that was for Thursday(the snow day)before break: 465-474
Homework for Wednesday: SQ3R Pages 476-483 If you do the homework in the SQ3R format you will receive a formative 100 on for a homework grade. You will also be taking a quick homework quiz that if you get over a 90 on the quiz you will get a bonus point on the next summative assessment up to 5 points. For example 5 quiz grades over 90, 5 bonus points on the next exam. 2 quiz grades over 90, 2 bonus points on the quiz. Reminder that Formative is going to be 20% of your grade.
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