Thursday, August 29, 2024
Welcome to Advanced Placement Psychology!
Phones reminder
Learning Target: I can help build a community in the classroom and understand its importance in relation to learning.
Groupings Chart
Introduce yourself to the group: Take notes on the people in your group.
1. Name a job you wanted to do when you were little
2. Favorite cartoon
3. One place you'd like to visit.
You will be reporting out your fellow group members. You might want to write it down.
Why would I assign you to a group? Make T-Chart with pros and cons
Rock Paper Scissors to see who presents
You will not be turning this in. On a piece of scrap paper write down why you are taking AP classes. Now look around the room and write down why you think others in the room are taking them.
Circle Explanation: Restorative Justice
Circle: Not including yourself, why do you think students take AP classes?
Activity: Fundamental Attribution Error- One person from you table go get a textbook and look up the Fundamental Attribution Error and make sure everyone at your table understands what it is and come up with an example that you would use to explain it to your parents if they asked you what you did in AP Psych today. Be prepared to share out.
Circle Explanation: Restorative Justice
Circle: Not including yourself, why do you think students take AP classes?
Activity: Fundamental Attribution Error- One person from you table go get a textbook and look up the Fundamental Attribution Error and make sure everyone at your table understands what it is and come up with an example that you would use to explain it to your parents if they asked you what you did in AP Psych today. Be prepared to share out.
Learning Target: To understand the major psychological perspectives and what they can tell us about ourselves and others.
Psychology Definition: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
Circle: A bizarre behavior you have witnessed at this school.
Activity: Using the behavior we talked about in circle and your limited understanding of psychology, try and determine why said person engaged in behavior. Be ready to report out.
Fundamental Attribution Error
Perspective Activity: At your table come up with a working definition of perspective.
What do you see?

What did I just do to influence what you saw? Turn and talk
Another Perspective: Evolutionary Psych
Homework: Jung Typology Test
1. Take the test
2. Get you profile letters- write them down.
3. Look up what your profile is
4. Briefly write down what you agree with, 3-4 things and what you disagree with.
5. Then reflect in a short paragraph how it makes you feel that you can be into 4 letters
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