Monday, December 18, 2023

December 18, 2023

Monday December 18, 2023

Due to unforeseen circumstances we will move the Sensation and Perception Test to Thursday January 4th.

Circle: Either a food you parents tried to get you to eat when you were little that you fought them on and would not eat or  a food who use to "dislike" that you know eat and enjoy?

Sensation and Perception: Point to remember-We feel, see hear, taste, and smell with our BRAIN, which can sense even without functioning senses.

Homework Due: 222-230

Homework for Wednesday:233-242

Homework for Today 244-249

Homework for Monday 251-261-pain, taste, smell, body position, and sensory interaction.

Test Wednesday January 3rd. 

For Monday: Taste

Activity: Synthesize the following:  Activity: Synthesize the following:  What do the following tell us about the world YOU live in?

Thursday, December 14, 2023

December 14, 2023

Thursday December 14, 2023

Circle: If you had to describe yourself using one of the five basic tastes our tongue senses, sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami or savory, which one best describes you and why?

Sensation and Perception: Point to remember-We feel, see hear, taste, and smell with our BRAIN, which can sense even without functioning senses.

Practice Test: Line up by how much homework you have completed.  Pick quiz teams.  Introduce yourself and explain why you are so good at getting things like homework done and why not.  Work together using your homework with you team to do the best you can on the practice test.  Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Homework Due: 222-230

Homework for Wednesday:233-242

Homework for Today 244-249

Homework for Monday 251-261

Test Wednesday January 3rd. 

For Monday: Taste

Activity: Synthesize the following:  What do the following tell us about the world YOU live in?
Answer the following questions in your group. Make a chart for each person to record answers.
1) Common smells you cannot stand?
2) A type or style of clothing you cannot wear because of how it feels?
3) A common sound that really bothers you?
4) Do you usually feel hot or cold?
5) What flavor of food do you prefer given a choice? Sweet, sour, salty or bland? Ex. If had to choose between chips and a cupcake, which would you choose a majority of the time.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

December 13, 2023

Wednesday December 13, 2023

Circle: What was your favorite thing to do on the playground in elementary school? A rule from elementary school that you thought was silly or ridiculous?

Sensation and Perception: Point to remember-We feel, see hear, taste, and smell with our BRAIN, which can sense even without functioning senses.

Homework Due: 222-230

Homework for Wednesday:233-242

Homework for Thursday 244-249

Homework for Monday 251-261

Activity: Depth Perception

Activity: The Brain Episode 1

Monday, December 11, 2023

December 11, 2023

Monday December 11, 2023

Circle: If you had to give up one of your senses,  besides sight, which one would you give up?   Smell, taste, hearing, touch?

Sensation and Perception: Point to remember-We feel, see hear, taste, and smell with our BRAIN, which can sense even without functioning senses.

Quiz over vocabulary today.

Homework Due Today: SQ3R 222-230

Homework for Thursday:SQ3R 233-242

Homework for Monday SQ3R 244-249 and 251-261

Activity: True/False

Mnemonic Device for the Eye.  Lollipops will be awarded to the best mnemonic device!

Nova Clip: David Eagleman and Synesthesia

Synthesize the following:  What do the following tell us about the world YOU live in?

Activity: Understanding the Eye.  From you mnemonic device draw a simple picture of the eye and how light travels through it.

Activity: As a class, you will be watching series of brief videos relating to Sensation and Perception. Your job will be as a small group to connect what you have watched to what we are studying. You will have one person who is leading the discussion, i.e. restating the question and keep the group focused, another will be the reporter who will explain to the class what specifically this connects to and how it connects once everyone in your group understands. You will be taking notes that you can add to your unit 4 notes. Please bring your book to class!

Video 6 minute mark
Snickers Candy Throwing/Depth Perception

Thursday, December 7, 2023

December 7, 2023

Thursday December 7, 2023

Return Tests

Homework Due Today: 215-220

Homework for Monday 222-231

Circle: Do you think ESP is real?  Can people really talk to dead people, or see the future or move things with their mind?  

Introduce Sensation and Perception: Point to remember-We feel, see, hear, taste, and smell with our BRAIN, which can sense even without functioning senses.

Module 21 Learning Targets:
-Analyze the ways in which our expectations, contexts, motivation, and emotions influence our perceptions.  Examples 1 and 2
Activity: Stroop Effect
-Describe the claims of ESP, and discuss what most research psychologists have concluded after putting these claims to the test.

Activity: ESP

Module 21 Slide Show

Vocabulary: Module 21
perceptual set

Module 20 Learning Targets: Understand the following-
-What are sensation and perception?
-What do we mean by bottom-up processing and top-town processing?
-Discuss how selective attention directs our attention.
-Describe the three steps that are basic to all our sensory system.
-What are the difference between absolute and difference thresholds.
-Understand how we are affected by subliminal stimuli
-What is the function of sensory adaptation?

Vocabulary for Module 20
sensory receptors
bottom-up processing
top-down processing
selective attention
signal detection theory
difference threshold
Weber's law
sensory adaptation

Thursday, November 30, 2023

November 20, 2023

Thursday November 20, 2023

New seating chart

Seating Chart Activity: First introduce yourself and the share what is an ASMR sound, visual or feeling that produces a response for you? Better yet share a video or sound from your phone if you can.  Not everyone experiences ASMR so don't feel bad if you don't have one.

What is ASMR(autonomous sensory meridian response)


Introduce Sensation and Perception: Point to remember-We feel, see hear, taste, and smell with our BRAIN, which can sense even without functioning senses.

Homework Due Today :SQ3R 204-213

Learning Targets: Understand the following-
What are sensation and perception? What do we mean by bottom-up processing and top-town processing?
Discuss how selective attention directs our attention.
Describe the three steps that are basic to all our sensory system.
What are the difference between absolute and difference thresholds.
Understand how we are affected by subliminal stimuli
What is the function of sensory adaptation?

Introductory Activity:
What is different this time? Man on a horse picture from text
(Bottom-up processing to Top-down processing)
(Because we only have Selective Attention the result is Inattentional Blindness.) Why?

sensory receptors
bottom-up processing
top-down processing
inattentional blindness
signal detection theory
difference threshold

Monday, November 27, 2023

November 27, 2023

Monday November 27, 2023

Test on Sleep, disorders and drugs

Circle: If you were forced to give up  one of your senses which one would it be? Sight, smell, taste, sound, touch.

Introduce Sensation and Perception: Point to remember-We feel, see hear, taste, and smell with our BRAIN, which can sense even without functioning senses.

Homework SQ3R 204-213

Learning Targets: Understand the following-
What are sensation and perception? What do we mean by bottom-up processing and top-town processing?
Discuss how selective attention directs our attention.
Describe the three steps that are basic to all our sensory system.
What are the difference between absolute and difference thresholds.
Understand how we are affected by subliminal stimuli
What is the function of sensory adaptation?

Monday, November 20, 2023

November 20, 2023

Monday November 20, 2023

Assessment on Modules 16,17 and 18 on Monday November 27.

Circle: One thing you are grateful for?

Test Prep: We will be reviewing the modules today and taking a practice assessment today.  You should also make sure you have read the three modules, used SQ3R, made notecards of relevant vocabulary, watched complementary videos' below and studied with someone else to review material.

Module 16

Module 17

Module 18


Practice Quiz

Video's to supplement your studying:

Stages of Sleep - Sleep Cycles
Stages of Sleep, REM Sleep and Dreaming
What Makes You Tick: Circadian Rhythms
Circadian Rhythm and Your Brains Clock
Sleep loss and disorders
What It’s Like To Have Insomnia
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)
Nightmares and Night Terrors
What would happen if you didn’t sleep?
Crash Course Dreams
Drugs (Psychopharmacology and Psychology)
Crash Course:Altered States
Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

November 16, 2023

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Return Tests

Circle: Do you believe hypnosis is real?

Activity: True-false Hypnosis

Hypnosis slide show

Activity: Research the two theories of hypnosis.  Which one will I be doing with you?

Activity: M19 The Creative Imagination Scale

One finger Story you have it?

Activity: Guided Hypnosis

Stages of Sleep - Sleep Cycles
Stages of Sleep, REM Sleep and Dreaming
What Makes You Tick: Circadian Rhythms
Circadian Rhythm and Your Brains Clock
Sleep loss and disorders
What It’s Like To Have Insomnia
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)
Nightmares and Night Terrors
What would happen if you didn’t sleep?
Crash Course Dreams
Drugs (Psychopharmacology and Psychology)
Crash Course:Altered States
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

November 15, 2023

Wednesday November 15, 2023

I lied, I will be giving you the test back on Thursday

We will be having a test over Modules 16-18 on Monday after Thanksgiving.  We will be reviewing on Monday November 20th.

Circle: Seniors: Where are you in the college application process?  What is a piece of advice you would give to your fellow juniors? 

Unit Topics: Sleep and Dreams, Hypnosis, Drugs and Consciousness

Homework Due : SQ3R 168-178

Homework for Wednesday: 170-80

AP Signups!  You need to make sure you have logged into your MyAP account and registered for the exam.  This needs to be done today!!!!

Learning Targets: 
1)I can describe substance use disorders.  
2)I can explain the roles tolerance and addiction play in substance use disorders and how the concept of addiction has changed. 
3)Identify depressants, stimulants hallucinogens and describe their effects.

Circle #2: 
How bad do you think addiction issues are around here?

Activity: Are you addicted to your phone?  Take the test.

Hypnosis- What are the two theories?

Video (11:30 mark)

Hypnosis Activity

Note cards: Below is a list of terms that you will need to know for the AP Psych exam.    Each note card should have the term on the front.  Then, on the back you need to A) define the term and B) show application of the term.  This application can sometimes best be expressed as a personal example.  You can also draw the application of the term if you so desire.
  • consciousness
  • circadian rhythm
  • REM sleep
  • hallucinations
  • insomnia
  • narcolepsy
  • sleep apnea
  • night terrors
  • manifest content
  • latent content
  • hypnosis
  • dissociation
  • physical dependence
  • psychological dependence
  • depressants
  • barbiturates
  • opiates
  • stimulants
  • hallucinogens
Stages of Sleep - Sleep Cycles
Stages of Sleep, REM Sleep and Dreaming
What Makes You Tick: Circadian Rhythms
Circadian Rhythm and Your Brains Clock
Sleep loss and disorders
What It’s Like To Have Insomnia
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)
Nightmares and Night Terrors
What would happen if you didn’t sleep?
Crash Course Dreams
Drugs (Psychopharmacology and Psychology)
Crash Course:Altered States

Monday, November 13, 2023

November 12, 2023

Monday November 12, 2023

You will be getting your tests back on Wednesday

Circle: What is you favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal and one thing you will not eat?

Unit Topics: Sleep and Dreams, Hypnosis, Drugs and Consciousness

Homework Due : SQ3R 168-178

Homework for Wednesday: 170-80

AP Signups!  You need to make sure you have logged into your MyAP account and registered for the exam.  AP credit will only be awarded along with multipier if you take the exam

Sleep Journal:  On average, how many hours of sleep have you been getting on a school night?

Activity: 20-8 How large is you sleep deficit?  What are strategies you can implement to improve you sleep.  Create a customized list of things that you know you need to work on or strategies you currently use that work and are backed up by science.

Activity: At you table you will come up with a brief presentation about the long term effects of not getting enough sleep.  If you have three people, your presentation will have 3 parts.  If four people, it would have 4 parts.

For Example: Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain because; 1. Increases ghrelin, a hunger-arousing hormone and decreases leptin which decreases hunger.  2. Decreases metabolic (energy use) rate.  3. Increases cortisol production,  a stress hormone that stimulates the body to make fat(energy storage). 4. Enhances limbic brain response to the mere sight of food and reduces cortical response which helps us resist temptation.

Activity: 22-1 True or False

Note cards: Below is a list of terms that you will need to know for the AP Psych exam.    Each note card should have the term on the front.  Then, on the back you need to A) define the term and B) show application of the term.  This application can sometimes best be expressed as a personal example.  You can also draw the application of the term if you so desire.
  • consciousness
  • circadian rhythm
  • REM sleep
  • hallucinations
  • insomnia
  • narcolepsy
  • sleep apnea
  • night terrors
  • manifest content
  • latent content
  • hypnosis
  • dissociation
  • physical dependence
  • psychological dependence
  • depressants
  • barbiturates
  • opiates
  • stimulants
  • hallucinogens
Stages of Sleep - Sleep Cycles
Stages of Sleep, REM Sleep and Dreaming
What Makes You Tick: Circadian Rhythms
Circadian Rhythm and Your Brains Clock
Sleep loss and disorders
What It’s Like To Have Insomnia
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)
Nightmares and Night Terrors
What would happen if you didn’t sleep?
Crash Course Dreams
Drugs (Psychopharmacology and Psychology)
Crash Course:Altered States

Thursday, November 9, 2023

November 9, 2023

Thursday November 9, 2023

AP Signups!  You need to make sure you have logged into your MyAP account and registered for the exam.  AP credit will only be awarded along with multipier if you take the exam.

New Seating Chart and Activity: Get your sleep journals out.  Introduce yourself, take two minutes to write down your nighttime routine?  Ex...where do you put your phone, do you have sounds, is your bed made, do you brush your teeth,  do you share a room...Who has the best routine?   Who has the worst?  What idea might you adopt?

Activity: How good are your sleeping strategies?  Nominate the best sleeper in your new group!

Circle: A re-occuring dream or the last dream you can remember.  Do you think they mean anything?

Activity: Share your dream with your group and see if they can come up with a reason why you had that dream.  Click here to analyze your dream.

Learning Targets: Students can...
1. Describe sleep as a state of consciousness
2. Describe how our biological rhythms influence or daily functioning
3. Describe biological rhythms of our sleeping and dreaming stages
4. Explain how biology and environment interact in our sleep patterns
5. Describe sleep's function

Activity: What is the longest you've ever gone without sleep? Randy Gardener

Sleep Journal:  On average, how many hours of sleep have you been getting on a school night?

Sleep IQ 20-1

Take this quiz.

Activity: True or False

Homework for Monday: SQ3R 168-178



circadian rhythm

REM sleep

alpha waves



hypnagogic sensations

delta waves

suprachiasmatic nucleus

biological clock

Unit Topics: Sleep and Dreams, Hypnosis, Drugs and Consciousness
Note cards: Below is a list of terms that you will need to know for the AP Psych exam.    Each note card should have the term on the front.  Then, on the back you need to A) define the term and B) show application of the term.  This application can sometimes best be expressed as a personal example.  You can also draw the application of the term if you so desire.
  • consciousness
  • circadian rhythm
  • REM sleep
  • hallucinations
  • insomnia
  • narcolepsy
  • sleep apnea
  • night terrors
  • manifest content
  • latent content
  • hypnosis
  • dissociation
  • physical dependence
  • psychological dependence
  • depressants
  • barbiturates
  • opiates
  • stimulants
  • hallucinogens
Stages of Sleep - Sleep Cycles
Stages of Sleep, REM Sleep and Dreaming
What Makes You Tick: Circadian Rhythms
Circadian Rhythm and Your Brains Clock
Sleep loss and disorders
What It’s Like To Have Insomnia
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)
Nightmares and Night Terrors
What would happen if you didn’t sleep?
Crash Course Dreams
Drugs (Psychopharmacology and Psychology)
Crash Course:Altered States

Monday, November 6, 2023

November 6, 2023

Monday November 6, 2023

Circle: Neon colored hair or visible gold tooth?

Test: Biological Basis for Behavior Test

Homework: SQ3R 156-165

Activity:  Sleep Journal
Initial average: How many hours do you get on school night?  How many on weekends?  Average for the week?



circadian rhythm

REM sleep

alpha waves



hypnagogic sensations

delta waves

suprachiasmatic nucleus

biological clock

Thursday, November 2, 2023

November 2, 2023

Thursday November 2, 2023

Happiness Journal: I will be checking them today.

Circle: It's a summer day and you have no obligations. Walking out of your house you spot a hurt bird laying on ground. No one is watching. What do you do?

Homework: SQ3R 109-119.  This should be completed by today.

Test on Monday November 6: Module 9-12

Explore the Brain

Learning Targets: I can explain/understand:

What are neurons, and how do they transmit informationMyelin sheath
How do neurotransmitters influence behavior, and how do drugs and other chemicals affect neurotransmission?
What are the functions of the nervous system’s main divisions?
How do neuroscientists study the brain’s connections to behavior and mind?
What are the functions of important lower-level brain structures?
What functions are served by the various cerebral cortex regions?

Research: mnemonic devices for brain structures.  You will be reporting out what you found.

Activity: Case study in Neuroanatomy. Diagram of brain

Domino Neuron Analogy

2 Minute Neuroscience- The Neuron

Crash Course

Get to you know your nervous system

Divisions of the Nervous System

How dopamine works

2 Minute Neuroscience- Division of the Nervous System

Psych for kids

Why are people so afraid of clowns?


Vocabulary for this unit and which should be turned into notecards: