Sunday, January 30, 2022

January 31, 2022

January 31, 2022

Test is Wednesday

Practice Test in the AP Classroom

Psychological Definition of Learning: A relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience. 

Point to remember: This is the beginning of the behavioral branch of psychology!

Reminder about phones!!!

Circle: If you were going on a road trip and you could take anyone in the world with you, who would you choose and why?


Learning Targets


Exit Ticket

Test will be Wednesday!  Remember the bonus points!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Thursday January 27, 2022

Reminder!!!  Quarter ends Friday.  Please see me about any missed assessments so we can take care of them!

Psychological Definition of Learning: A relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience. 

Point to remember: This is the beginning of the behavioral branch of psychology!

Reminder about phones!!!

Homework Due: SQ3R Module 30. 

Circle: After college or your job/military training would you move back to the oxford hills community to raise a family?  Why or why not?


Over-justification Effect

Activity: Locus of Control

Activity 30-1: True or False

Test will be Wednesday!  Remember the bonus points!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Monday, January 24, 2022

Reminder!!!  Quarter ends Friday.  Please see me about any missed assessments so we can take care of them!

Psychological Definition of Learning: A relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience. 

Point to remember: This is the beginning of the behavioral branch of psychology!

Reminder about phones!!!

Homework Due: SQ3R Module 29. 

Circle: A food that you won't eat and how you learned the aversion.

Activity: What is the highest you have ever jumped from into water? Would you jump?  13 feet?  23 feet?  33 feet?  On a separate piece of paper record your responses.  How much incentive if any would you need to jump from 13, 23, 33 feet?  $0.00-100.00?  No amount?  Why do you like or not like to jump from high places into water?  Did you ever have a negative or positive experience that would explain your motivation? Would you do it if all your friends did it?  What happened? Ten Meter Tower  Now explain why you think the people jumped or not.  Remember the Biopsychsocial model.

Definition of Classical Conditioning: We learn to associate two stimuli and thus to anticipate events.

Definition of Operant Conditioning: Organisms associate their own actions with consequences.  Actions followed by reinforcers increase; those followed by punishment often decrease.


Activity 29-1: True or False

Activity: Taste Aversion

Intrinsic vs Extrinsic

Over-justification Effect

Locus of Control.


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

January 20, 2022

 Thursday, January 20, 2022

Reminder about phones!!!

Circle: How to you use Operant conditioning on yourself.  One example of a positive or negative reinforcer you use on yourself.

Point to remember: This is the beginning of the behavioral branch of psychology!

Learning Targets

Homework Due Thursday: SQ3R module 28 for Thursday.  Pages 294-297.  Its only 4 pages!

Psychological Definition of Learning: A relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience. 

Definition of Classical Conditioning: We learn to associate two stimuli and thus to anticipate events.

Definition of Operant Conditioning: Organisms associate their own actions with consequences.  Actions followed by reinforcers increase; those followed by punishment often decrease.

Activity: 27-3 Delayed Gratification

Activity: 28-1 True or False

Discussion: At your table discuss superstitions they(or people you know) have around sports, big exams, interviews and so forth.  How do you think your (or others) superstitions developed and what schedule of reinforcement maintains them.

Activity: 29-1 True or False

Homework: SQ3R Module 29.  This should be completed for Monday January 24th.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Wednesday January 19, 2022

Circle: What types of real-world rewards occur on a delayed schedule?  Did you learn to learn to wait for rewards?  Do you think its an important skill to learn?  Does our society encourage people to delay gratification?  

Point to remember: This is the beginning of the behavioral branch of psychology!

Homework Due: SQ3R module 28 for Thursday.  Pages 294-297.  Its only 4 pages!

Psychological Definition of Learning: A relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience. 

Definition of Classical Conditioning: We learn to associate two stimuli and thus to anticipate events.

Definition of Operant Conditioning: Organisms associate their own actions with consequences.  Actions followed by reinforcers increase; those followed by punishment often decrease.

What are some basic forms of learning?
What is classical conditioning, and how did Pavlov’s work influence behaviorism?
In classical conditioning, what are the processes of acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination?
Why is Pavlov’s work important?
What is operant conditioning, and how does it differ from classical conditioning?
What are the basic types of reinforcers?
How do different reinforcement schedules affect behavior?
How does punishment affect behavior?
Do cognitive processes and biological constraints affect operant conditioning?
What is observational learning, and how is it enabled by mirror neurons?

Activity: Reinforcement Schedules

Quiz: Negative Reinforcement

Activity: Shaping


Classical ConditioningVideo's
Crash Course
Classical Conditioning: Ivan Pavlov
Classically Conditioning your roomate

Operant Conditioning
The Little Albert Experiment
BF Skinner Pigeon Ping Pong

Observational Learning
Our Skinner Box
Crash Course: The BoBo Beatdown
Classical vs Operant Condtioniong

Note cards:  Below is a list of terms that you will need to know for the AP Psych Exam.  Each note card should have the term on the front.  Then, on the back you need to A) define the term and B) show application of the term.  This application can sometimes best be expressed as a personal example.  You can also draw the application of the term if you so desire.

  • acquisition
  • learning
  • associative learning
  • Neutral stimulus
  • classical conditioning
  • operant conditioning
  • cognitive map
  • punishment
  • discrimination
  • reinforcer
  • extinction
  • shaping
  • fixed interval schedule
  • spontaneous recovery
  • fixed ratio schedule
  • US / UR / CS / CR
  • generalization
  • variable interval schedule
  • latent learning
  • variable ratio schedule

Thursday, January 13, 2022

January 13, 2022

Thursday January 13, 2022

Circle: A time you were punished and did it extinguish behavior or not?

Point to remember: This is the beginning of the behavioral branch of psychology!

Homework Due: SQ3R module 27 for Thursday.  Pages 283-293.

Psychological Definition of Learning: A relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience. 

Definition of Classical Conditioning: We learn to associate two stimuli and thus to anticipate events.

Definition of Operant Conditioning: Organisms associate their own actions with consequences.  Actions followed by reinforcers increase; those followed by punishment often decrease.

What are some basic forms of learning?
What is classical conditioning, and how did Pavlov’s work influence behaviorism?
In classical conditioning, what are the processes of acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination?
Why is Pavlov’s work important?
What is operant conditioning, and how does it differ from classical conditioning?
What are the basic types of reinforcers?
How do different reinforcement schedules affect behavior?
How does punishment affect behavior?
Do cognitive processes and biological constraints affect operant conditioning?
What is observational learning, and how is it enabled by mirror neurons?

Slide Show

Activity: Define US, CS, CR, UCR
Classical Conditioning Activity

Activity: 15-1 Examples of Learning

Activity: 15-2 Classical Conditioning Concept Web

Reminder Activity: Define US, CS, CR, UCR
At your table identify the various parts of classical conditioning and be prepared to explain them to the class.

Activity: At your table look up examples of Operant Conditioning.  The Big Bang Theory is a good one.  Be prepared to show the video to the class.

Activity: Reinforcement Schedules

Quiz: Negative Reinforcement

Activity: Shaping


Classical ConditioningVideo's
Crash Course
Classical Conditioning: Ivan Pavlov
Classically Conditioning your roomate

Operant Conditioning
The Little Albert Experiment
BF Skinner Pigeon Ping Pong

Observational Learning
Our Skinner Box
Crash Course: The BoBo Beatdown
Classical vs Operant Condtioniong

Note cards:  Below is a list of terms that you will need to know for the AP Psych Exam.  Each note card should have the term on the front.  Then, on the back you need to A) define the term and B) show application of the term.  This application can sometimes best be expressed as a personal example.  You can also draw the application of the term if you so desire.

  • acquisition
  • learning
  • associative learning
  • Neutral stimulus
  • classical conditioning
  • operant conditioning
  • cognitive map
  • punishment
  • discrimination
  • reinforcer
  • extinction
  • shaping
  • fixed interval schedule
  • spontaneous recovery
  • fixed ratio schedule
  • US / UR / CS / CR
  • generalization
  • variable interval schedule
  • latent learning
  • variable ratio schedule

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Monday January 10, 2022

Circle: What was your New Years resolution?  How are you going to make sure you keep it?

Homework: SQ3R module 27 for Thursday.  Pages 283-293.

Psychological Definition of Learning: A relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience. 

What are some basic forms of learning?
What is classical conditioning, and how did Pavlov’s work influence behaviorism?
In classical conditioning, what are the processes of acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination?
Why is Pavlov’s work important?
What is operant conditioning, and how does it differ from classical conditioning?
What are the basic types of reinforcers?
How do different reinforcement schedules affect behavior?
How does punishment affect behavior?
Do cognitive processes and biological constraints affect operant conditioning?
What is observational learning, and how is it enabled by mirror neurons?

Slide Show

Activity: Define US, CS, CR, UCR
Classical Conditioning Activity

Activity: 15-1 Examples of Learning

Activity: 15-2 Classical Conditioning Concept Web

Point to remember: This is the beginning of the behavioral branch of psychology!

Reminder Activity: Define US, CS, CR, UCR
At your table identify the various parts of classical conditioning and be prepared to explain them to the class.

Activity: At your table look up examples of Operant Conditioning.  The Big Bang Theory is a good one.  Be prepared to show the video to the class.

Activity: Reinforcement Schedules

Quiz: Negative Reinforcement

Activity: Shaping

Activity: What kind of conditioning?


Classical ConditioningVideo's
Crash Course
Classical Conditioning: Ivan Pavlov
Classically Conditioning your roomate

Operant Conditioning
The Little Albert Experiment
BF Skinner Pigeon Ping Pong

Observational Learning
Our Skinner Box
Crash Course: The BoBo Beatdown
Classical vs Operant Condtioniong

Note cards:  Below is a list of terms that you will need to know for the AP Psych Exam.  Each note card should have the term on the front.  Then, on the back you need to A) define the term and B) show application of the term.  This application can sometimes best be expressed as a personal example.  You can also draw the application of the term if you so desire.

  • acquisition
  • learning
  • associative learning
  • Neutral stimulus
  • classical conditioning
  • operant conditioning
  • cognitive map
  • punishment
  • discrimination
  • reinforcer
  • extinction
  • shaping
  • fixed interval schedule
  • spontaneous recovery
  • fixed ratio schedule
  • US / UR / CS / CR
  • generalization
  • variable interval schedule
  • latent learning
  • variable ratio schedule

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thursday January 6, 2022

Circle: What is one thing you would like to learn(A specific skill)?

Mid Term

Where we are...Perspectives

What are some basic forms of learning?
What is classical conditioning, and how did Pavlov’s work influence behaviorism?
In classical conditioning, what are the processes of acquisition,
-extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination?
Why is Pavlov’s work important?
What is operant conditioning, and how does it differ from classical conditioning?
What are the basic types of reinforcers?
How do different reinforcement schedules affect behavior?
How does punishment affect behavior?
Do cognitive processes and biological constraints affect operant conditioning?
What is observational learning, and how is it enabled by mirror neurons?

Slide Show

Activity: Define US, CS, CR, UCR
Classical Conditioning Activity

Classic Conditioning Video's
Crash Course
Classical Conditioning: Ivan Pavlov
Classically Conditioning your roomate

Operant Conditioning Video's
The Little Albert Experiment
BF Skinner Pigeon Ping Pong

Observational Learning
Our Skinner Box
Crash Course: The BoBo Beatdown
Classical vs Operant Condtioniong

Note cards:  Below is a list of terms that you will need to know for the AP Psych Exam.  These are due January 8th.  Each note card should have the term on the front.  Then, on the back you need to A) define the term and B) show application of the term.  This application can sometimes best be expressed as a personal example.  You can also draw the application of the term if you so desire.

  • acquisition
  • learning
  • associative learning
  • Neutral stimulus
  • classical conditioning
  • operant conditioning
  • cognitive map
  • punishment
  • discrimination
  • reinforcer
  • extinction
  • shaping
  • fixed interval schedule
  • spontaneous recovery
  • fixed ratio schedule
  • US / UR / CS / CR
  • generalization
  • variable interval schedule
  • latent learning
  • variable ratio schedule

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

January 5, 2022

Wednesday January 5, 2022

Seating Chart
Seating Chart Activity: What was your best day during break?
Reminder about Mid Term
Circle: What is the most important thing you have learned up to this point in life?

Where we are...Perspectives

What are some basic forms of learning?
What is classical conditioning, and how did Pavlov’s work influence behaviorism?
In classical conditioning, what are the processes of acquisition,
-extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination?
Why is Pavlov’s work important?
What is operant conditioning, and how does it differ from classical conditioning?
What are the basic types of reinforcers?
How do different reinforcement schedules affect behavior?
How does punishment affect behavior?
Do cognitive processes and biological constraints affect operant conditioning?
What is observational learning, and how is it enabled by mirror neurons?

Slide Show

Introduce Learning: The Office

Activity: Define US, CS, CR, UCR
Classical Conditioning Activity

Classic Conditioning Video's
Crash Course
Classical Conditioning: Ivan Pavlov
Classically Conditioning your roomate

Operant Conditioning Video's
The Little Albert Experiment
BF Skinner Pigeon Ping Pong

Observational Learning
Our Skinner Box
Crash Course: The BoBo Beatdown
Classical vs Operant Condtioniong

Note cards:  Below is a list of terms that you will need to know for the AP Psych Exam.  These are due January 8th.  Each note card should have the term on the front.  Then, on the back you need to A) define the term and B) show application of the term.  This application can sometimes best be expressed as a personal example.  You can also draw the application of the term if you so desire.

  • acquisition
  • learning
  • associative learning
  • Neutral stimulus
  • classical conditioning
  • operant conditioning
  • cognitive map
  • punishment
  • discrimination
  • reinforcer
  • extinction
  • shaping
  • fixed interval schedule
  • spontaneous recovery
  • fixed ratio schedule
  • US / UR / CS / CR
  • generalization
  • variable interval schedule
  • latent learning
  • variable ratio schedule