Tuesday, October 24, 2017

October 24, 2017

Tuesday October 24, 2017

Circle: A smell that brings back a memory?

Unit 3 Test Grade will be entered by the end of today.

New Seating Chart/Activity
1)Introduce yourself.  Where do you live, what grade are you in, how much do you love AP Psychology....
2)Talk about your greatest weakness according to your MB Profile.  Ex. I freak out if my handwriting is to messy...
3)When do remember first meeting/seeing the other people in your group?  How many classes have you had together?  
4)Did you have a first impression?  What was it?

Sensation and Perception Assignment Sheet

Sensation and Perception: Point to remember-We feel, see hear, taste, and smell with our BRAIN, which can sense even without functioning senses.

This unit will be answering the following questions:
What are sensation and perception? What do we mean by bottom-up processing and top-down processing?
What are the absolute and difference thresholds, and do stimuli below the absolute threshold have any influence?
What is the function of sensory adaptation?
What is the energy that we see as visual light?
What are the characteristics of air pressure waves that we hear as sound?
How do the eye and ear transform light and sound energy into neural messages?
How do we experience each of the body’s senses?
How do Gestalt psychologists understand perceptual organization?
How adaptable is our ability to perceive?

How do our expectations, contexts, and emotions influence our perceptions?

Introductory Activity:
The Invisible Gorilla Experiment
Man on a horse picture from text

Have you ever been under anesthesia?

Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality/TEDtalk

Eye-witness Accounts

Activity: Synthesize the following:  What do the following tell us about the world YOU live in?

Answer the following questions in your group. Make a chart for each person to record answers.
1) A common smell you cannot stand?
2) A type of clothing you cannot wear because of how it feels?
3) A common sound that really bothers you?
4) Do you usually feel hot or cold?
5) What flavor of food do you prefer given a choice? Sweet, sour, salty or bland?
6) What is your favorite color?

Test Strips: Do you have the gene?

Sodium Benzoate has different taste perceptions than the other papers. A different pair of alleles determines the ability to taste Sodium Benzoate. It can taste sweet, salty, sour, bitter or tasteless, so this paper is often used in conjunction with another taste test, such as PTC, to characterize taste perception, and break tasters/non-taters into subgroups.
The point is, PTC in genetics has been studied for quite some time, and there is quite a bit of information on it. There are several known alleles for the PTC gene, but PTC sensitivity is really controlled by two major alleles in humans. PTC paper either tastes bitter or it doesn’t taste like anything at all. Some tasters can taste a very strong bitter taste, while other tasters can taste a mildly bitter taste. Thus, there can be three classifications of phenotypes in a PTC study (strong tasters, mild tasters, and no taste).

Our Taste
Optical Illusions
Color Blindness Test

David Eagleman Ted Talk
Zimbardo Video: Discovering Psychology-Sensation and Perception

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