Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday December 18, 2014

Thursday December 18, 2014

Circle: How stressed out do you feel right now?

Collect and go over Homework:
Locus of control

Future and past discussion

Writing exercise: What stresses you out?  Briefly explain what it is and how much control you have over it.  Do you have any control?

Activity:  Interview staff and students about stress around the holidays.
1. Questions:
a.Why do you think the holidays are so stressful for so many people? b.How stressful do you find the holidays?  1 to 10: 1 being not at all to 10 being incredibly stressful. c. What suggestions would you have to make the holidays less stressful for everyone?
2. Interview
3. Record age and sex
4. Record response


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tuesday December 16, 2014

Tuesday December 16, 2014

Circle: Who is someone you are grateful for and why?

Collect and go over Homework

Writing exercise: What stresses you out?  Briefly explain what it is and how much control you have over it.  Do you have any control?

Activity:  Interview staff and students about stress around the holidays.
1. Formulate question
2. Interview
3. Record age and sex
4. Record response

Stress and its implications

Handout: True/False

Homework: Module 13 and Tri-Fold.  You will be quizzed over this module on Thursdsay.  You can use your homework on the test but the best grade you will receive is an 80.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday December 12, 2014

Friday December 12, 2014

Circle Question: What is something you know you need to do but have been avoiding.  Whats stopping you?  What do you have to do to get it done?

Extrinsic or Intrinsic?

Bower Bird

What have you done or seen that you can relate to the bower bird?

TED Talk Motivation with Dan Airely

Homework:  One simple thing you've been avoiding or putting off.  Write it down.  Explain how it is going to make your life better.  Tell the person beside you.  Tell someone else.  Briefly explain what you accomplished?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday December 10, 2014

Wednesday December 10, 2014

What motivates you?

Writing Activity:
Why did you do your homework?  What motivated you?  How difficult was it to get it done?  How did you feel when you completed it?  How did you help others?  How did it make you feel know that your grade was dependent on others?  Was your motivation extrinsic or intrinsic?  Is this a good way to get people to do their work?  What would be better ways to get students to do their work?  If you had to give credit to one person in the group for your success who would it be and why?

Optional Activity

Handout 11-5

Theories of Motivation:

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday December 8, 2014

Monday December 8, 2014

What is stressing you out right now?  Is it motivating?

TED Talk

What is motivation?

True/False 11-1

Evolutionary Psychology 11-3

Desirability of Control 11-11

Homework: Read module 11 and complete Tri-Fold.  How are we going to get this done?  We need to figure out a way to make sure that everyone reads this module and completes Tri-Fold.  IDEAS???????

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday December 4th, 2014

Thursday December 4th, 2014

Learning Target
Understanding Mental Illness

Collect Homework
Reaction paper to the Disorder Presentations

Share something you wrote in your homework about your reaction

Suicide Quiz Revised Review

Potential Presentation
Alana, Taylor

Schizophrenia and Dissociative Handouts

Discovery Psychology: Psychopathology