Thursday October 22, 2020 Pod B and Remote Pod A
Circle: For seniors, where are you in the college process and for juniors what steps are you taking or know you should be taking?
Unit 2 Test: You will be taking the Unit 2 test on NEXT Monday, October 26th if you are Pod A in class or NEXT Thursday October 28th if you are Pod B.
We will be going over test review tomorrow in class and on zoom so please make sure you are there.
Definition of Psychology: The study of behavior and the mind (mental process).
To do well on the test you must understand the following Learning Targets:
1)Understand advantage of research over other ways of knowing?
2)Identify ways in which bias can influence things
3)Understand advantages and disadvantages of case studies
4)Understand why we can't conclude cause-and-effect relationships from correlational data
5)Understand why we should be cautious of data obtained from surveys
6)Understand advantages and disadvantages of longitudinal and cross-sectional studies
7)Understand what it means to operationalize variables(operational definition)
8)Distinguish between the independent and dependent variables in an experiment
9)Identify cofounding variables and some ways to control these variables
10)Evaluate how double blind procedure and placebos help control for confounding variables
11)Understand the role of statistics in the experimental method
12)Understand and analyze the importance of replication of experiment results
13)Summarize four ethical principals that must guide research on humans
14)Understand why researchers sometimes use animals in their research
Textbook: The reading of the text is essential. If you want to do good in this class and the AP exam you must read it.
I strongly recommended making notecards if you want to do well. We will practice one. The terms you should know are below:
Research Terms:
independent variable
dependent variable
experimental group
control group
representative sample
random sampling
randomly assigned
bias of selection
double-blind study
correlational research
confounding variable
longitudinal study
cross-sectional studies
clinical research
case studies
operational definition
central tendencies
normal curve
positive correlation
negative correlation
standard deviation
correlational coefficient
sample size
null hypothesis
Type I error
Type II error
Ethics in Research:
Stanley Milgram
informed consent
Remote Work: In the classroom. Study for test.