Seating chart/Activity-Share your full name and then tell the members of your table a re-occurring dream you've had or the most recent dream you can remember. Freud Analysis/Table Analysis
Circle: Do you think dreams any meaning?
Unit 5 Assignment Sheet
Activity: How high is your sleep IQ?
You will be taking the Sleep IQ test as an individual and then in your group you will compare answers and determine which you think is correct. After discussing in your group, you will be reporting out to the class with a defense of your answer. After the Sleep IQ test you will be given time to research how to improve your sleeping habits and get a better night sleep. You will be reporting out your answers to the class.
Activity: Are you a morning or evening person? Why?
Crash Course Dreams
Drugs (Psychopharmacology and Psychology)
Crash Course:Altered States
Activity: How high is your sleep IQ?
You will be taking the Sleep IQ test as an individual and then in your group you will compare answers and determine which you think is correct. After discussing in your group, you will be reporting out to the class with a defense of your answer. After the Sleep IQ test you will be given time to research how to improve your sleeping habits and get a better night sleep. You will be reporting out your answers to the class.
Activity: Are you a morning or evening person? Why?
Stages of Sleep - Sleep Cycles
Stages of Sleep, REM Sleep and Dreaming
What Makes You Tick: Circadian Rhythms
Circadian Rhythm and Your Brains Clock
Sleep loss and disorders
What It’s Like To Have Insomnia
Sleep Apnea Video
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)
What is Narcolepsy?
Nightmares and Night Terrors
What would happen if you didn’t sleep?
DreamsCrash Course Dreams
Drugs (Psychopharmacology and Psychology)
Crash Course:Altered States
Assigned reading (35 pages):
Note cards: Below is a list of terms that you will need to know for the AP Psych exam. These are due before the exam (12/13). Each note card should have the term on the front. Then, on the back you need to A) define the term and B) show application of the term. This application can sometimes best be expressed as a personal example. You can also draw the application of the term if you so desire.
- consciousness
- circadian rhythm
- REM sleep
- hallucinations
- insomnia
- narcolepsy
- sleep apnea
- night terrors
- manifest content
- latent content
- hypnosis
- dissociation
- physical dependence
- psychological dependence
- depressants
- barbiturates
- opiates
- stimulants
- hallucinogens
Homework: Please keep a record of your dreams over the next two night. Write them down with as much detail of specifics as you can. You will be doing dream analysis on Tuesday after Thanksgiving and this will make class much more interesting if you have your own dream to analyze.