Circle: On average, how many hours of sleep do you get on a school night?
Unit Test 4 Sensation and Perception
Unit Topics: Sleep and Dreams, Hypnosis, Drugs and Consciousness
Dates for Unit: November 30th – December 20th
Exam Dates: December 20th – 25 multiple choice questions - 2 pts each, 1 ten point FRQ.
Assigned reading (35 pages):
Note cards: Below is a list of terms that you will need to know for the AP Psych exam. These are due before the exam (12/20). Each note card should have the term on the front. Then, on the back you need to A) define the term and B) show application of the term. This application can sometimes best be expressed as a personal example. You can also draw the application of the term if you so desire.
- consciousness
- circadian rhythm
- REM sleep
- hallucinations
- insomnia
- narcolepsy
- sleep apnea
- night terrors
- manifest content
- latent content
- hypnosis
- dissociation
- physical dependence
- psychological dependence
- depressants
- barbiturates
- opiates
- stimulants
- hallucinogens
Homework: Read the following article on Sleep then answer the following questions:
1. List three questions you have about sleep after reading this article.
2. What does the article state regarding sleep and socioeconomic levels?