Sunday, September 30, 2018

October 2, 2018

Tuesday October 2, 2018

Quiz next class: The Neuron

Return and go over Unit 1 and 2 Test

Homework Assignment Sheet Unit 3

Neuron Drawing Due

Circle: Would you rather be able to read peoples mind or have the power of invisibility?

Learning target:  Everything psychological is simultaneously biological

True-False Activity: 7-1

Mind Body Connection Activity:  We know that everything psychological is simultaneously biological.  What implications can you draw about the brain and its structure from the following three examples:  In groups of three what are some of the implications of the following information?

Shawn Achor Video

Harvard Study

NPR Story:

Due October 12th Homework: Using the same format as the class activity above, watch the the NOVA program and do a brief write up (no more than a page) about the implications from the show.  (Think in terms of your own life, society, education, crime, etc.)  Please use specific examples from the documentary to support your implications.PBS NOVA Memory Hackers

Very useful video's about the Brain:

1.Crash Course- The Chemical Mind

2.Crash Course- Meet Your Master

3.Neurons- How They Work

4.Pinky and the Brain

5.What is an fMRI

6.Stabbed in the brain- Phineas Gage

7.Expressive Aphasia- Sarah Scott

8.The Phenomenon of Neuroplasticity

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

September 26, 2018

Wednesday September 26, 2018

Circle: One item you use to beg your parent to buy if you went food shopping with them as a kid.

Test Today! Unit 1 and 2.
Go over multiple choice test tips.
1. Understand the question.  What exactly is it asking.
2. Try and answer it before you look at the answers.
3. Process of elimination.
4.  Pick C.

Unit 3: The Brain

Homework Assignment Sheet Unit 3

Very useful video's about the Brain:

1.Crash Course- The Chemical Mind

2.Crash Course- Meet Your Master

3.Neurons- How They Work

4.Pinky and the Brain

5.What is an fMRI

6.Stabbed in the brain- Phineas Gage

7.Expressive Aphasia- Sarah Scott

8.The Phenomenon of Neuroplasticity

Friday, September 21, 2018

September 22, 2018

Monday September 22, 2018

SQ3R Notes and Note Cards are Due

Circle: Best class you ever had.

Introduction to Research Unit

1.Understanding Scientific Method

2. Identify Research Methods
3. Recognize problems and solutions in research
4. Statistics
5. Ethics in Psychological Research

Video: Why it is important to understand scientific studies.
John Oliver and scientific studies

Activity: Looking at article about criminals

Correlation vs. Causation: Firemen and fires, Ice cream and drowning, Shoes and headaches.

Ethics in psychological research.

Research Methods: Zimbardo Video

Psychology Quiz online

Activity:  TV and GPA- you will be setting up an experiment and naming all the parts to determine if the amount of TV watched can affect your GPA.  You will need to develop thesis, operationally define the experiment,  replication, population,  random sampling, correlation, causation, correlation coefficent, and scatterplots.  Then you will design an experiment that will try to determine how much a new medication for concentrating  can impact GPA by creating an experiment and all its parts. Your experiment must address the following, random assignment, double blind procedure, placebo effect, experimental group, control group, independent variable, confounding variable and dependent variable.

Practice Quiz

Exit Ticket:  Something you would like me to know.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

September 20, 2018

Thursday September 20, 2018

Unit 1 and 2 Assignments

Circle: 10,000 today or 100,000 in ten years.  What would you choose?

Thought Question: Thinking about why the two transcripts and the way they turned out, using the perspectives, why do you think you have had the level of success you've had in high school?

Activity: You will be interviewing one adult in building and finding out why they believe students experience failure or success in school.  What do they think could be done to help more students become more successful?  What perspective does it employ?

Notes: SQ3R notes are going to be checked on Monday.  Note cards should be completed and notes should be completed. Show example.  Remind students about getting 78 to start the exam.  Revised date for test is September 26th. Notes

Review Transcript Activity: What do we think are the possible reasons these students have so different transcripts?   How much can we blame success or failure on the students? In your notes, write down how you understand the major psychological perspectives via the transcripts.

Learning Target: I can explain how the different subfields of psychology might be useful in explaining/improving our educational system.

Introduction to Research Unit

Unit 2 Research Methods

1.Understanding Scientific Method

2. Identify Research Methods
3. Recognize problems and solutions in research
4. Statistics
5. Ethics in Psychological Research

Activity:  TV and GPA- you will be setting up an experiment and naming all the parts to determine if the amount of TV watched can affect your GPA.  You will need to develop thesis, operationally define the experiment,  replication, population,  random sampling, correlation, causation, correlation coefficent, and scatterplots.  Then you will design an experiment that will try to determine how much a new medication for concentrating  can impact GPA by creating an experiment and all its parts. Your experiment must address the following, random assignment, double blind procedure, placebo effect, experimental group, control group, independent variable, confounding variable and dependent variable.

Video: Why it is important to understand scientific studies.
John Oliver and scientific studies

Activity: Looking at article about criminals

Correlation vs. Causation: Firemen and fires, Ice cream and drowning, Shoes and headaches.

Activity: Ethics in psychological research.

Research Methods: Zimbardo Video

Psychology Quiz online

Exit Ticket:  Something you would like me to know.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

September 18, 2018

Tuesday September 18, 2018

Circle: Your favorite thing to do on the playground in elementary school.

Thought Question: How many of you know someone who stopped coming to school/dropped out?  Why do you think they did?

Notes: Talk about the SQ3R and what I need to see?  Remind students about getting 78 to start the exam.  Revised date for test.

Activity: Continue transcript activity with the six major perspectives.  What do we think are the possible reasons these students have so different transcripts?   How much can we blame success or failure on the students?

Activity: Looking at articles

Research Methods: Zimbardo Video

Learning Target: I can explain how the different subfields of psychology might be useful in explaining/improving our educational system.

Introduction to Research Unit

Psychology Quiz online

Unit 1 and 2 Assignments

Exit Ticket:  Something you would like me to know.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

September 14, 2108

Friday September 14, 2018

Circle: If you could wave a magic wand and get really good at something, what would it be?

Community Activity: What should I know about you?

Homework check/SQ3R Review

Learning Target 1: I can look situations/behaviors and explain how the major psychological perspectives might explain them.

Review Hand/Perspective sheet:

Activity 1:  At your table, explain share what you know about Cardi B.  Using the six major psychological perspectives, what might explain her behavior.

Activity 2: Transcript Activity:  Why so different?

Learning Target 2: I can explain how the different subfields of psychology might be useful in explaining/improving our educational system.

Introduction to Research Unit

Psychology Quiz online

Unit 1 and 2 Assignments

Exit Ticket:  Something you would like me to know.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September 12, 2018

Wednesday September 12, 2018

New seating chart

Seating Chart Activity: You will interview your new table mates.  You will find out what was the last movie they watched, favorite song or artist, and one thing that only someone who knew them well would know.  You will be introducing one person to the class.

Circle: What did you think of the SQ3R process? 2nd If you could wave a magic wand and get really good at something what would it be?

Check Notes: How did the SQ3R go for the first half of the unit?

Pneumonic Device: The Hand.   Pneumonic Device for Careers, Subfields, History?  Suggestions?
At your table look up pneumonic devices for the chapter.

Perspective Activity: Using your computer look on TMZ or a similar site to find a famous person exhibiting bizarre behavior.  Using the perspectives from your homework put together a brief presentation that explains what the behavior was and which perspective(s) help explain why your group thinks the person engaged in it.  

Unit 1 and 2 Assignments 

Go over homework:  How was the unit broken down?

Monday, September 10, 2018

September 10, 2018

Monday September 10, 2018

Circle: One person, place or thing you use to hate and now really enjoy?

Activity: Reading and assessment.  How did you do it?

Activity: Memory-How does it work?

Textbook: Handout and talk about SQ3R.

Activity: You will be researching the efficacy of SQ3R with your group and putting together a brief presentation about why it works and the science behind it.

Activity: Diagramming the units

Unit 1 and 2 Assignments explained

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

September 6, 2018

Thursday September 6, 2018

Learning Target: To understand the major psychological perspectives and what they can tell us about ourselves and others.

Psychology Definition: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. 

Circle: A bizarre behavior you have witnessed this school year.

Activity: Part 1 Re-introduce yourself to your group and share a little bit about what you learned about your self by reading your MB profile online.  Provide examples...

Activity: Part 2 What do you see as your strengths in terms of being successful in AP?  What do you see as your weaknesses as it would relate to your success in AP? What could you do as a result of this knowledge to help you in this class?  Please use the information you gathered from your profile to support your answers.

Activity: Using  the behavior we talked about in circle and your limited understanding of psychology, try and determine why said person engaged in behavior.  Be ready to report out.

Fundamental Attribution Error

Perspective Activity: At your table come up with a working definition of perspective. What do you see?

Another Perspective: Evolutionary Psych

Textbook: Handout and talk about Ms. Danis and SQ3R

Activity: You will be researching the efficacy of SQ3R with your group and putting together a brief presentation about why it works and the science behind it.

Unit 1 and 2 Assignments

Textbook: The reading of the text is essential.  If you want to do good in this class and the AP exam you must read it.

Reading: Putting Grit in its place



Commitment Contract


Perspective Activity: At your table choose one of the articles to read listed below.  After reading the article answer the following questions:  What is one thing you agree with, one thing you disagree with and one thing you were surprised by?  You will be reporting out on this.

1. New Insights on College Drinking (American Psychological Association, Oct. 2013)
2. Partying on Facebook May Spur Teens’ Risky Behavior (Psych Central, Sept. 4, 2013)
3. Why the Teen Brain is Drawn to Risk (Time, Oct. 8, 2012)
4. Teens and Risky Behavior: More Complicated than it seems? (Los Angeles Times, Oct. 2, 2012)
5. What Makes Teens Tick (Time, May 10, 2004),9171,994126,00.html
6. Good Parents, Bad Results (U.S. News & World Report, June 12, 2008)
7. Teenager, Friends, and Bad Decisions (New York Times, February 3, 2011)