Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday May 27, 2015

Wednesday May 27th, 2015: Last day for Seniors!

One thing you've learned about yourself or other people this year.

When you are doing something you really love to do its like your doing nothing at all.  What if you could teach yourself how to love everything you do?

Collect Textbooks

Course Evaluations


Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday May 22, 2015

Friday May 22, 2015

Introduction to Hypnosis

Hypnosis Exercise

Write a reaction to the hypnosis exercise.

Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18, 2015

Monday May 18th, 2015

One thing you'll remember from Prom.

Collect Homework

Mind Body Connection

Shawn Achor Video

Mindfulness Exercise

Homework Questions:

Before Mindfulness
Have you ever meditated before?  Why or why not?
Do you know anyone who regularly practices mindfulness or mediation?
Do you have any concerns or questions about it?
What do you know about mindfulness or meditation?
How do you feel right now before we begin?

During Mindfulness:
Did you enjoy it?
Was it easy or difficult for you?
What were you thinking about during the experience?  Do the thoughts have any meaning to you?
Describe what it felt like for you?
Did you experience any moments where you "lost track of yourself"? What did that feel like?
How distracted were you?  What was distracting you?

After Mindfulness/These questions should be answered before bed tonight.
How did you feel immediately after the exercise?
What did the hallway look like, sound like?
Did you notice anything different about your day? For example: attention span, cell phone use, concentration, vision, energy level meaning calmness to agitated to tired, and anything else you noticed.
What was your evening like?  Any noticeable difference?
If you play sports, was anything different?

Tuesday Morning:
How did you sleep?
Did you notice anything about your dreams?

Overall impressions:
Feel free to write anything else about your experience or questions you might have.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday May 13th, 2015

Wednesday May 13th, 2015

The one thing you dread the most about your day.

Disorder Test

Paper: Write a reaction to what you saw and heard?  
What surprised you?
What stood out to you?
How did you view of mental illness change?
How would you react now if someone you were close to told you they were suffering from a mental illness?
What is one thing you think you'll remember about this project?
Other reactions or feelings?

Finish Evolutionary Psychology Worksheet

Hope Scale:

Introduce Positive Psychology:

Mind Body Connection

Shawn Achor Video

Mindfulness Exercise Next Class

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday May 7, 2015

What motivates you?

Finish Presentations

Introduce Motivation:


Test Next

Test Questions:

1. What is it like to live with General Anxiety Disorder? (Emma Files)
2. What is a Sociopath/Anti-Social Personality Disorder? (Jake Redgate)
3. What causes PTSD/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? (Sidney Bivens)
4. How does PTSD/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder affect your life? (Zack Harris)
5. What are some of the burdens people with Narcolepsy live with? (Shannon Fillebrown)
6. What is daily life like for someone who has PTSD? (Taylor Fillebrown)
7. What is it like for family members who live with someone who has Type-2 Bipolar Disorder? (Devon Willard)
8. What is it like to live with ADHD? (Travis Townsend)
9. How does Acute Stress Disorder differ from PTSD? (Amber Mann)
10. What is Seasonal Affective Disorder/SAD? (Marissa Cunneen)
11. What is it like to live with OCD? (Jenny Dillingham)
12. Understanding the difference between Dysthymia and major depression. (Rebekah Fleck)
13. What are the signs of Bi-Polar disorder? (Jacob Tardiff)
14. What is schizophrenia? (Hayden Bradley)
15. What is it like to have a panic attack? (Brandon Nile)
16. How does Psychotic Depression differ from Major Depression? (Bailey West)
17. How does Anorexia affect everyday life? (Sam Green)
18. What are the three steps to treat Alcoholism? (Lauren Keisman)
19. What are the differences between simple Tourettes and complex Tourettes? (Jake Spinhirn)
20. What is Autism and how does it affect the family? (Kaleb Currier)
21. What are the causes of Disassociative Identity Disorder? (Garrett Ashley)
22. What is OCPD? Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (Brandon Rowe)