Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday January 30th 2014

Circle Question:Why do you think we do circles?  2nd Question: What is a behavior you've seen in school that really left you scratching your head for an explanation?

Module 1 Tri-Fold: Complete

Perspectives Hand Notes

Perspectives Activity:  Generate a list of famous people who have acted in bizarre or inappropriate manners.  What was the behavior and how would you explain the behavior using the six perspectives.  You will be doing this in groups of 2-3 and you will put together a brief presentation explaining how each perspective would explain the behavior.

Interview an adult and ask them why some people are "neat" while others are "slobs"?
Record their answer and explain which perspective they are taking and defend your response.

Reflecting on your homework and school performance why do you think you do good, average or poorly in school.  You must use the perspectives to explain your behavior.  This should address grades, homework completion, relationships with teachers, relationships with peers, intelligence, self-confidence and outlook on your future.  Please use the attached sheet to complete this assignment.

Homework Templet

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday January 28th, 2014

Circle Question: What is something you learned or confirmed about yourself as a result of your Meyers-Briggs profile.

Decoding Meyers Briggs: What the letters mean.  E/I S/N T/F J/P

How could this help you in life?

Perspectives Activity: New student comes to school.  Doesn't really make much effort to get to know people.  Sits by himself in class and the cafeteria.  Has poor attendance and doesn't do any homework.  Does not like to talk in class and refuses to work in groups to the point he becomes very agitated.  He is failing most of his classes and it appears that he is not using the best personal hygiene practices.  In other words, he smells.

Textbook Activity
Tri-Fold Module 1

Finish Module 1 Tri-fold

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Friday January 24, 2014

Why we do circle

Circle Question
What have you changed your mind about?

Collect Homework

Discussion:  How can definitions of love be so different?

Six perspectives
Perspectives Hand
Scenario...two students fighting

Textbook Activity
Tri-Fold Module 1

Using your Meyers-Briggs profile from the questions you answered online, create a short profile of yourself.  This should be about a paragraph long.  It should include your likes, dislikes etc.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wednesday January 22nd 2014

Wednesday January 22nd 2014

Welcome to Psychology
Homework: It is the expectation that all homework will be completed and if you are absent you will check the website and hand it in when you return.  Late homework will not be excepted.
Participation: It is expected that you will participate in class discussions.
Quizzes and Exams 

Website: Search Toohey's Introduction to Psychology.  Bookmark the page.

What do you hope to get out of this class?

Explain circle and how its used in this class

Circle Questions
Whats your name?
Why did you sign up for this class? Interest, credit, no idea?
What is a pet peeve of yours about other people?

Why do you think it bothers some and not others?

Perspective Activity
Activity sheet
Picture of old and young lady
Word Game
Ocean Activity

What is love?
Students definitions

Ask two adults what their definition of love is and record their response.  This should be two separate paragraphs.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday January 7, 2014

Circle Question: What makes you happy?

Mind Body Connection

Pen/Mouth Mind Body Connection Exercise

Shawn Achor Video

Handout 14-1 True or False

Handout 14-5 Self Concealment Scale

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday January 3, 2014

Circle Question: What was your best moment of break?

Mind Body Connection

Shawn Achor Video

Handout 14-1 True-False

Handout 14-12